
Defines functions nwd_extract_keywords

Documented in nwd_extract_keywords

#' Extract most frequently used words from news titles 
#' @param language A character vector of language two letter codes. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available languages.
#' @param n An integer. Number of words to keep. Defaults to `Inf` (i.e. keeps all words, ordered by frequency).
#' @param date Only news downloaded in the given date will be considered. Defaults to current day. To get data for the previous day, use `Sys.Date()-1` 
#' @return A data.frame (a tibble) with `n` number of rows and two columns, `words` and `n` for number of occurrences.
#' @examples
#' @export

nwd_extract_keywords <- function(language = NULL,
                                 date = NULL,
                                 n = Inf,
                                 store = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(language)) {
    language <-  fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("emm_newsbrief"),
                             recurse = FALSE,
                             type = "directory") %>% 
  for (i in language) {
    if (is.null(date)) {
      date <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("emm_newsbrief", i), recurse = FALSE, type = "directory") %>% 
    for (j in date) {
      all_rds <- list.files(path = fs::path("emm_newsbrief",
                            pattern = paste0(i, "\\.rds"),
                            full.names = TRUE)  
      if (length(all_rds)>0) {
        all_news <- suppressMessages(purrr::map_df(.x = all_rds,
                                                   .f = readr::read_rds)) %>% #unisce i file in un singolo data frame
          dplyr::distinct(link, .keep_all = TRUE)
        keywords <- all_news %>% 
          dplyr::transmute(title, Date = as.Date(pubDate)) %>%
          tidytext::unnest_tokens(input = title, output = "words") %>% 
          dplyr::anti_join(tibble::tibble(words = stopwords::stopwords(language = i, source = "stopwords-iso")), by = "words") %>% # elimina stopwords
          dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(string = words, pattern = "[[:digit:]]")) %>%  # togliere i numeri registrati come parole
          dplyr::group_by(words) %>% 
          dplyr::count(sort = TRUE) %>% 
        if (store==TRUE) {
          keywords_base_path <- fs::path("keywords", 
          fs::dir_create(path = keywords_base_path)
          saveRDS(object = keywords,
                  file = fs::path(keywords_base_path,
                                  paste0(j, "-keywords_", n, "_", i, ".rds")))
giocomai/networkedwebsitesdetector documentation built on Jan. 22, 2021, 5:42 p.m.