#' Extract links from tweets and expands shortened urls
#' @param tweets A data frame of tweets, as created by `rtweet`. If not given, it processes tweets available in `tweets` subfolder.
#' @param n_char An integer, defaults to 30. Number of characters in the url: only urls shorter than n_char will be expanded, others will be kept as they are.
#' @param n_retry An integer, defaults to 3. Number of times it tries to expand urls if first attempt fails. Set to 0 for attempting only once.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects, i.e. stores expanded urls in `tweet_links` subfolder.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_extract_urls_from_tweets <- function(tweets = NULL,
language = NULL,
date = NULL,
expand_url = TRUE,
n_char = 30,
n_retry = 3) {
if (is.null(language)) {
language <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("tweets"),
recurse = FALSE,
type = "directory") %>%
for (i in language) {
if (is.null(tweets)) {
if (is.null(date)) {
date <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("tweets", i), recurse = FALSE, type = "directory") %>%
fs::path_file() %>%
stringr::str_extract(pattern = "[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]") %>%
for (j in date) {
tweet_day_folder <- fs::path("tweets", i, j)
tweet_links_day_folder <- stringr::str_replace(string = tweet_day_folder, pattern = "tweets", replacement = "tweet_links")
fs::dir_create(path = tweet_links_day_folder, recurse = TRUE)
tweet_files <- fs::dir_ls(path = tweet_day_folder, recurse = FALSE,type = "file", glob = "*.rds")
for (k in seq_along(tweet_files)) {
expanded_urls_file_location <- stringr::str_replace(string = tweet_files[k], pattern = "tweets", replacement = "tweet_links")
if (fs::file_exists(path = expanded_urls_file_location)==FALSE) {
temp_tweets <- readRDS(file = tweet_files[k])
expanded_urls <- nwd_expand_urls_from_tweets(tweets = temp_tweets,
n_char = n_char,
n_retry = n_retry)
saveRDS(object = expanded_urls, file = expanded_urls_file_location)
#' Extract links from tweets and expands shortened urls
#' @param urls A character vector of urls, or a data frame of tweets, as created by `rtweet`.
#' @param n_char An integer, defaults to 30. Number of characters in the url: only urls shorter than n_char will be expanded, others will be kept as they are.
#' @param n_retry An integer, defaults to 1. Number of times it tries to expand urls if first attempt fails. Set to 0 for attempting only once.
#' @return A data.frame (a tibble) with 9 columns: "user_id", "status_id", "created_at", "screen_name", text", "orig_url","expanded_url", "status_code", "url"
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_expand_urls <- function(urls,
n_char = 30,
n_retry = 1) {
if(is.data.frame(urls)==TRUE) {
all_links <- tweets %>%
dplyr::select(user_id, status_id, created_at, screen_name, text, urls_expanded_url) %>%
tidyr::unnest(urls_expanded_url) %>%
all_links_long_pre <- all_links %>%
dplyr::filter(nchar(urls_expanded_url)<n_char) %>%
} else {
all_links_long_pre <- urls[nchar(urls)<n_char] %>%
if (length(all_links_long_pre)==0) {
warning("No links to unshorten.")
if (is.data.frame(urls)==FALSE) {
return(tibble::tibble(orig_url = urls,
expanded_url = NA,
status_code = NA,
url = urls))
all_links_long <- tryCatch({longurl::expand_urls(all_links_long_pre)},
error=function(e){cat("ERROR:",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})
if (n_retry > 0) {
for (i in 1:n_retry) {
if (is.null(all_links_long) == FALSE) {
all_links_long_pre_retry <-
all_links_long %>%
dplyr::filter(is.na(expanded_url)==TRUE) %>%
all_links_long_retry <- tryCatch({longurl::expand_urls(all_links_long_pre_retry)},
error=function(e){cat("ERROR:",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})
all_links_long <- dplyr::bind_rows(all_links_long_retry, all_links_long) %>%
dplyr::distinct(orig_url, .keep_all=TRUE)
if(is.data.frame(urls)==TRUE) {
all_links_long_merged <-
all_links %>%
dplyr::rename(orig_url = urls_expanded_url) %>%
dplyr::left_join(y = all_links_long, by = "orig_url") %>%
dplyr::mutate(url = dplyr::if_else(condition = is.na(expanded_url),
true = as.character(orig_url),
false = as.character(expanded_url))) %>%
} else {
all_links_long_merged <-
tibble::tibble(orig_url = urls) %>%
dplyr::left_join(y = all_links_long, by = "orig_url") %>%
dplyr::mutate(url = dplyr::if_else(condition = is.na(expanded_url),
true = as.character(orig_url),
false = as.character(expanded_url)))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.