Man pages for gisma/uavRst
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Tools

calc_extConvenient function to preprocess synthetic raster bands from...
chm_segCanopy height model raster map
chmseg_FTWatershed segmentation based on 'ForestTools'
chmseg_GWSseeded region growing tree crown segmentation based on 'SAGA...
chmseg_ITCDecision tree segmentation method to grow individual tree...
chmseg_RLWatershed segmentation based on 'rLiDAR'
colorspaceimagemagick based function to transform the RGB color space...
crown_filterbasic filtering of crown polygons using altitude, area and...
digitizeEasy digitizing of vector features within your rstudio...
ffs_trainForward feature selection based on rf model
fileProcStatusreturns the status of saga modules
get_countscounts pixel values according to their classes
getCrayoncolorize the cat outputs
get_traindataExtracts training data from a raster stack using vector data...
grass2shapeconverts GRASS vector to shape file
grass2tifconverts GRASS raster to Geotiff
line_maxposapplies a line to a raster and returns the position of the...
linkGIconvenient function to establish all link2GI links
make_bandnamescreate name vector corresponding to the training image stack...
make_syn_bandsConvenient function to preprocess synthetic raster bands from...
morpho_demcalculates most important DEM parameters
mrbikoDEM data set of Marburg-Biedenkopf
otb_statCalculates local statistics for a given kernel size
otbtex_edgeCalculates edges for a given kernel size.
otbtex_grayCalculates Gray scale morphological operations for a given...
otbtex_haraOTB wrapper for Haralick's simple, advanced and higher order...
pacmanexample raster data set for demonstration usage
pc_2D_dsmCreate a Digital Terrain Model from UAV generated point...
pc_2D_fdtmCreate a Digital Terrain Model from UAV generated point...
pc_2D_mdtmCreate a Digital Terrain Model from UAV generated point...
poly_maxposextract for all polygons the position of the maximum value of...
poly_metricscalculate morphometric features of polygons.
poly_statCalculate descriptive statistics of raster as segmented by...
predict_rgbclassify images using raster predict
r2sagaconverts R raster* objects to SAGA raster
raster2sdatwrites raster* objects to the SAGA format
read_gpxRead a GPX file.
rgbRGB Orthoimagefrom an arbitray MOF plot
rgb_indicesRGB indices
saga2rconverts SAGA raster to R raster object
setHomePathChecks if running on a specified computer domain
shape2grassconverts OGR to GRASS vector
shp2soreads shapefiles as sf or sp objects
so2shpwrites shapefiles from sf or sp* objects
split2SAGASplit multiband image to single band SAGA files
tile_eqdivide a lidR las* or lascatalog object by given factors
treepos_FT'ForestTools' tree top detection
treepos_GWSFind potential tree positions using a canopy height model
treepos_lidRtree top detection based on local maxima filters as provided...
treepos_RL'rLiDAR' based tree detection of a LiDAR-derived Canopy...
trp_segOptional tree position raster map
uavRstUnmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Tools - some cool...
xyz2tifRead, convert and write xyz DEM/DSM Data as typically...
gisma/uavRst documentation built on Feb. 14, 2023, 8:49 a.m.