
#' Cohort Component Population Projection Model based on a Population with Emigration and Immigration.
#' A cohort component projection model based on a closed population,
#' \deqn{ N(t+5) =  L[t,t+5] \left( N(t) + \frac{1}{2} I[t,t+5] \right) + \frac{1}{2} I[t,t+5]    }
#' where the Leslie matrix, eqn{L}, is created given user defined age specific fertility and survivorship rates.
#' @param n Numeric value for the number of projection steps.
#' @param x Vector containing a character string of age group labels.
#' @param p Numeric value for step size of the population projection.
#' @param Nx_f,Nx_m Vectors containing numeric values of the initial female and male population size in each age group (\code{x}).
#' @param sx_f,sx_m,fx,ex_f,ex_m,Ix_f,Ix_m Vector containing numeric values of the age specific  female and male survival, fertility and female and male emigration rates and immigration counts.
#' If \code{ccp_open0} is used a single vector is required.
#' If \code{ccp_open} is used a matrix of period specific rates (or counts for immigration) is required, where rows represent age groups (females in top rows, males in bottom rows) and columns future periods. If a single vector is passed to \code{ccp_open} a matrix based on constant assumptions in all future rates and migration counts will be constructed.
#' @param sn_f,sn_m,sex_ratio Numeric value of the female and male survivorship of new-born babies from birth to the end of the interval and the sex ratio at birth of new-born babies.
#' If \code{ccp_open0} is used a single value is required.
#' If \code{ccp_open} is used a vector of period specific values is required. If a single value is passed to \code{ccp_open} a vector based on constant assumptions in all future rates will be constructed.
#' @param tidy_output Logical value to indicate if projection output should be in a tidy data format (\code{TRUE}, the default) or as a \code{matrix} where rows represent age and gender groups and columns the projection year.
#' @param age_lab,gender_lab Vector containing a character string of age and gender group labels. Only used if projection output is in a tidy data format. See \code{tidy_pp} for more details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{tidy_pp}} to build a tidy data frame (if chosen from \code{tidy_output}).
#' @return Projected populations by age and gender for \code{n} future steps, given the age specific fertility, survivorship and emigration rates and immigration counts. Depending on the \code{tidy_output} value the projections will be returned as either a matrix or a tibble. Both versions contain the initial population sizes given in \code{Nx}.
#' \code{ccp_open0} produces population projections based strictly on constant future rates.
#' \code{ccp_open} produces population projections based non-constant future rates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' df0 <- sweden1993 %>%
#'    # immigration from estimated count and net age pattern
#'    mutate(Ix_f = 138000 * Mx_f/sum(Mx_f),
#'           Ix_f = round(Ix_f),
#'           Ix_m = Ix_f,
#'           #emigration as remainder
#'           Ex_f = Ix_f - Mx_f ,
#'           #emigration rate for projection model
#'           ex_f = Ex_f/Nx_f,
#'           ex_m = ex_f)
#' # matrix output
#' ccp_open0(n = 5, x = df0$x, p = 5,Nx_f = df0$Nx_f, Nx_m = df0$Nx_m,
#'           sx_f = df0$sx_f, sx_m = df0$sx_m,
#'           fx = df0$fx, sn_f = df0$Lx_f[1]/(5*100000), sn_m = df0$Lx_m[1]/(5*100000),
#'           ex_f = df0$ex_f, ex_m = df0$ex_m, Ix_f = df0$Ix_f, Ix_m = df0$Ix_m,
#'           tidy_output = FALSE)
#' # tidy data frame output
#' ccp_open0(n = 5, x = df0$x, p = 5,Nx_f = df0$Nx_f, Nx_m = df0$Nx_m,
#'           sx_f = df0$sx_f, sx_m = df0$sx_m,
#'           fx = df0$fx, sn_f = df0$Lx_f[1]/(5*100000), sn_m = df0$Lx_m[1]/(5*100000),
#'           ex_f = df0$ex_f, ex_m = df0$ex_m, Ix_f = df0$Ix_f, Ix_m = df0$Ix_m,
#'           year0 = 1993, age_lab = df0$age)
#' # setting up non-constant future male immigrant counts
#' II <- matrix(df0$Ix_m, nrow = length(df0$Ix_m), ncol = 5)
#' II <- sweep(II, 2, seq(from = 1, to = 1.5, length = 5), "*")
#' # male immigration increase
#' colSums(II)
#' # run projection with increasing net migration, fx and sx remains constant
#' ccp_open(n = 5, x = df0$x, p = 5, Nx_f = df0$Nx_f, Nx_m = df0$Nx_m,
#'          sx_f = df0$sx_f, sx_m = df0$sx_m,
#'          fx = df0$fx, sn_f = df0$Lx_f[1]/(5*100000), sn_m = df0$Lx_m[1]/(5*100000),
#'          ex_f = df0$ex_f, ex_m = df0$ex_m, Ix_f = df0$Ix_f, Ix_m = II,
#'          tidy_output = FALSE)
ccp_open0 <- function(n = NULL, x = NULL, p = NULL, Nx_f= NULL, Nx_m= NULL,
                      sx_f = NULL, sx_m = NULL,
                      fx = NULL, sn_f = NULL, sn_m = NULL, sex_ratio = 1/(1 + 1.05),
                      ex_f = NULL, ex_m = NULL, Ix_f = NULL, Ix_m = NULL,
                      tidy_output = TRUE, age_lab = x, gender_lab = c("Female", "Male"), ...){
  xx <- length(x)

  if(length(sx_f) != xx | length(sx_m) != xx)
    stop("sx_f and sx_m must be of the same length as x")
  if(length(fx) != xx)
    stop("fx must be of the same length as x")
  if(length(ex_f) != xx | length(ex_m) != xx)
    stop("ex_f and ex_m must be of the same length as x")
  if(length(Ix_f) != xx | length(Ix_m) != xx)
    stop("Ix_f and Ix_m must be of the same length as x")

  #template block matrices
  L_f <- L_m <- B_m <- Z <- matrix(0, nrow = xx, ncol = xx)
  L_f[2:xx, 1:(xx-1)] <- diag(sx_f[-xx] - ex_f[-xx])
  L_f[xx, xx] <- sx_f[xx] - ex_f[xx]
  L_f[1, 1:xx] <- p * sn_f * sex_ratio * 0.5 * (fx + dplyr::lead(fx) * (sx_f - ex_f))
  #males (surviving)
  L_m[2:xx, 1:(xx-1)] <- diag(sx_m[-xx] - ex_m[-xx])
  L_m[xx, xx] <- sx_m[xx] - ex_m[xx]
  #males (births)
  B_m[1, 1:xx] <- p * sn_m * (1 - sex_ratio) * 0.5 * (fx + dplyr::lead(fx) * (sx_f - ex_f))
  #bring the blocks together
  L1 <- cbind(L_f, Z)
  L2 <- cbind(B_m, L_m)
  L <- rbind(L1, L2)
  L[is.na(L)] <- 0

  WW <- matrix(NA, nrow = xx*2, ncol = n+1)
  WW[,1] <- c(Nx_f, Nx_m)
  Ix <- c(Ix_f, Ix_m)
  for(i in 1:n){
    WW[,i+1] <- L %*% (WW[,i] + Ix/2) + Ix/2

  if(tidy_output == TRUE)
    WW <- tidy_pp(proj_mat = WW, steps = p, age_lab = age_lab, gender_lab = gender_lab, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname ccp_open0
ccp_open <- function(n = NULL, x = NULL, p = NULL, Nx_f= NULL, Nx_m= NULL,
                     sx_f = NULL, sx_m = NULL,
                     fx = NULL, sn_f = NULL, sn_m = NULL, sex_ratio = 1/(1 + 1.05),
                     ex_f = NULL, ex_m = NULL, Ix_f = NULL, Ix_m = NULL,
                     tidy_output = TRUE, age_lab = x, gender_lab = c("Female", "Male"), ...){

  xx <- length(x)

    sx_f <- matrix(sx_f, nrow = xx, ncol = n)
    sx_m <- matrix(sx_m, nrow = xx, ncol = n)
    fx <- matrix(fx, nrow = xx, ncol = n)
    ex_f <- matrix(ex_f, nrow = xx, ncol = n)
    ex_m <- matrix(ex_m, nrow = xx, ncol = n)
    Ix_f <- matrix(Ix_f, nrow = xx, ncol = n)
    Ix_m <- matrix(Ix_m, nrow = xx, ncol = n)
  if(length(sn_f) == 1)
    sn_f <- rep(x = sn_f, times = n)
  if(length(sn_m) == 1)
    sn_m <- rep(x = sn_m, times = n)
  if(length(sex_ratio) == 1)
    sex_ratio <- rep(x = sex_ratio, times = n)

  if(nrow(sx_f) != xx | ncol(sx_f) != n)
    stop("sx_f must have the same number of rows as x and the same number of columns as n")
  if(nrow(sx_m) != xx | ncol(sx_m) != n)
    stop("sx_m must have the same number of rows as x and the same number of columns as n")
  if(nrow(fx) != xx | ncol(fx) != n)
    stop("fx must have the same number of rows as x and the same number of columns as n")
  if(nrow(ex_f) != xx | ncol(ex_f) != n)
    stop("ex_f must have the same number of rows as x and the same number of columns as n")
  if(nrow(ex_m) != xx | ncol(ex_m) != n)
    stop("ex_m must have the same number of rows as x and the same number of columns as n")
  if(nrow(Ix_f) != xx | ncol(Ix_f) != n)
    stop("Ix_f must have the same number of rows as x and the same number of columns as n")
  if(nrow(Ix_m) != xx | ncol(Ix_m) != n)
    stop("Ix_m must have the same number of rows as x and the same number of columns as n")
  if(length(sn_f) != n)
    stop("sn_f must have the same values as n")
  if(length(sn_m) != n)
    stop("sn_m must have the same values as n")
  if(length(sex_ratio) != n)
    stop("sex_ratio must have the same values as n")

  WW <- matrix(NA, nrow = xx*2, ncol = n+1)
  WW[,1] <- c(Nx_f, Nx_m)
  Ix <- rbind(Ix_f, Ix_m)
  for(i in 1:n){
    L_f <- L_m <- B_m <- Z <- matrix(0, nrow = xx, ncol = xx)
    L_f[2:xx, 1:(xx-1)] <- diag(sx_f[-xx, i] - ex_f[-xx, i])
    L_f[xx, xx] <- sx_f[xx, i] - ex_f[xx, i]
    L_f[1, 1:xx] <- p * sn_f[i] * sex_ratio[i] * 0.5 * (fx[, i] + dplyr::lead(fx[, i]) * (sx_f[, i] - ex_f[, i]))
    L_m[2:xx, 1:(xx-1)] <- diag(sx_m[-xx, i] - ex_m[-xx, i])
    L_m[xx, xx] <- sx_m[xx, i] - ex_m[xx, i]
    B_m[1, 1:xx] <- p * sn_m[i] * (1 - sex_ratio[i]) * 0.5 * (fx[, i] + dplyr::lead(fx[, i]) * (sx_f[, i] - ex_f[, i]))
    L1 <- cbind(L_f, Z)
    L2 <- cbind(B_m, L_m)
    L <- rbind(L1, L2)
    L[is.na(L)] <- 0

    WW[,i+1] <- L %*% (WW[,i] + Ix[, i]/2) + Ix[, i]/2

  if(tidy_output == TRUE)
    WW <- tidy_pp(proj_mat = WW, steps = p, age_lab = age_lab, gender_lab = gender_lab, ...)
gjabel/demoproj documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:01 a.m.