Man pages for gmega/playaxdata
Easy access to Playax data from R

col_classesTable column classes
diff_metricsDifferences cumulative metrics in 'raw_social_metrics_cs'
find_right_holderFinds a right_holder ID by its pseudonymn.
find_right_holdersAs 'find_right_holder', but accepts multiple right holder...
for_datesFilters a given table by date bracket
for_locationReturns location-specific data. Supports returning data by...
for_location_typeIn tables which support multiple location types, returns data...
for_metric_typeFilters a given table by metric type
for_right_holderFilters a table by (a set of) right holder(s)
for_sourceFilters a given table by source (e.g. 'youtube', or...
get_keysFilters a table by key values
in_filterAn alternative to the dbplyr for versions of ColumnStore...
is_in_memoryChecks if a table is in memory
LOCATION_TYPESThe list of possible location types supported by tables which...
MAPPINGSSource-specific metric mappings
match_metricsResolve metric type indices
metric_type_mappingMapping of source-specific metrics into STANDARD_METRICS
MIN_DATEThe smallest possible date
PSEUDONYM_LOOKUP_STRATEGIESPre-packaged strategies which might be supplied to...
raw_social_metricsGlobal and regionalized per-artist, "raw" metrics
right_holder_external_idsExternal IDs for right holders. Those will usually correspond...
right_holder_pseudosRight holder pseudonyms
right_holdersRight holder base data
STANDARD_METRICSStandard metric types
supported_location_typesReturns a character vector containing the location types...
supported_metric_typesReturns a character vector with supported metric types
supported_sourcesReturns a character vector with supported sources
supports_metric_typeConvenience method
supports_sourceConvenience method
with_genresEnriches a table containing right holder information column...
with_languageEnriches a table containing right holder information with a...
with_metric_typesAdds symbolic metric types into the current table, for all...
with_pseudosEnriches table with right holder pseudonyms
with_right_holdersEnriches the current table with right holder information. By...
with_source_namesAdds symbolic source names into the current table
with_tracksAdds track info to the current table, if applicable.
gmega/playaxdata documentation built on April 4, 2021, 5:21 a.m.