Man pages for gmonette/spida2
Collection of tools developed for the Summer Programme in Data Analysis 2000-2012

abindBind comformable arrays
acondTransform a frequency table into relative frequencies...
add_facesAdd faces to an array of data frames
aggCreate a data frame at a higher level of aggregation with a...
anonRemove names
ApplyVersion of lapply that can return an array of lists
approx.ZApproximation for semi-parametric splines output of a Wald test into a data frame
assnAssign in a pipeline
atotalAdd all marginal sums to an array
autoCreates an autonym
basisOrthogonal basis for column space of a matrix
bmAnother benchmark
bm25Simon Urbanek's Benchmark 2.5
bm25fSimon Urbanek's Benchmark 2.5
bm_foxBenchmark used by John Fox
braceDraw brace
brewer.pal.showDisplay RColorBrewer palette
capplyApply a function within each cluster of multilevel data
caseVectorized ifelse with multiple conditions
cellConfidence ellipse
changeReplace elements of x with correspondingly named elements of...
coef.waldExtract coefficients from Wald object
col2hexColor to hex
colsColour collection
ConjCompConjugate complement of span(X) in span(Z) with respect to...
constantGeneric test for constant
contr.nhelmertNormalized Helmert contrasts for parsimonious random effects...
cvarCreate a contextual variable for regression
death.penaltyFlorida state death penalty data
debuggedList debugged functions
DiffContextual diff
DiffIContextual diff with intrapolation
dispPrint the name and value of a variable in a function
dot-mat2arrDisplay matrix
dot-nameSet and extract the '.name' attribute
dropLastDrop last facets of array
dropLastTotalDrop last elements of an array if it is a "Total"
droponeDrop each row or cluster from a fitted object
dvarCreate a centered-within-groups variable for regression
ellEllipses in 2D
esacSequential ifelse with paired arguments
expandModelDataAdd rows of predictor variable values to model data frame
f2LTurns a factor of a PD matrix to a left-triangular factor
f2RTurns a factor of a PD matrix to a right-triangular factor
Florida_sentencesFlorida state death penalty data 1976-1987
gaNickname for getAnywhere
getDGet model data frame with optional additional rows
getDataExtract the model data frame for various fitting methods
getexExtract or remove a substring
getFactorNamesget the names of variables that are factors
getFixGet information on fixed effects from a model object
getGExtract R, G or V matrix in a mixed or GLS model
getModelDataGet the data used to fit a model
getSExtract sample and sampling parameters from Bayesian...
getXDesign matrix for a fit possibly on a new data frame
giccGeneralized intraclass correlation coefficient for multilevel...
grapes-and-grapesintersect as a binary operator
grapes-less-grapessetdiff as a binary operator
grapes-or-grapesunion as a binary operator
grepvGrep with value = T
gspGeneral regression splines with variable degrees and ness,...
gspf.1Marked for deletion
gsplineGeneral parametric regression splines with variable degrees...
gsub_Methods providing versions of sub and gsub for pipelines and...
hereDirectory or filename of active R script
hsfullMath achievement and ses in a sample of 160 U.S. schools from...
iqLongitudinal study of IQ after traumatic brain injuries
jk_wtd_meansPost-stratification jacknife estimates of standard error
jk_wtd_mean_sePost-stratification jacknife estimate of SE of weighted mean
labsAssign, extract and print labels
LagContextual lag with intrapolation
LagIContextual lag with intrapolation
LallHypothesis matrix to test for lmer objects
LcHypothesis matrix for lmer objects: comparisons with...
LcallConstruct hypothesis matrix to test ????
lcholLeft Cholesky factor
LdiffHypothesis matrix to test differencs in factor levels
Ldiff.oldOlder version of Ldiff
Ldiff.rdcVersion of Ldiff used in RDC
LequalHypothesis matrix to test equality of factor level effects
LevelsLevels of a factor or unique values of a vector
LformHypothesis matrix generated by expressions
LfxHypothesis matrix generated by expressions for each column or...
lin_combLinear combination of x
llapplyVersion of lapply that turns the input list into a list with...
LmatGenerate a hypothesis matrix
LmuEstimate predicted response for a factor level.
LrmConstruct hypothesis matrix to test repeated measures factor...
lssvdlsfit using SVD
MMethod to generate hypothesis matrices from formulas
make.gridCreate a data frame of predictors to display a model
mapApply a mapping to a vector
MonthsExtract month as a factor
na20Transform NAs to 0
na2fChange NAs to FALSE
na2tChange NAs to TRUE
na.includena.include action
nameModify the name of an object and return the renamed object
napplynapply: lapply with access to the names of the list argument
OrthoCompOrthogonal basis for the orthogonal complement of the column...
overdisp_funOverdispersion with glmer
paikPaik-Agresti diagrams
palGenerate a palette of colours - possibly superseded
palsDisplay selected colors n at a time
panel.barchart2Control the width of bars in a barchart
panel.boxPanel functions for predicted values and SE box
panel.dellDraw data ellipse
panel.fitPanel functions for predicted values and SE bands
panel.subgroupsPanel function to display subgroups within groups within...
partIntersection and symmetric differences of two sets
pchEasy pch characters
pdConstruct.pdIndConstruct pdInd object
pdFactor.pdIndFactor of a pdInd object.
pdIndConstruct pdInd object
pdMatrix.pdIndpdMatrix method for pdInd objects
pfmtDisplaying p-values
pipePipe operator
PolyShiftTransformation of polynomial coefficients to change origin...
pred.gridCartesian product of variable values for prediction
print.catPrint method for 'cat' objects
print.tabPrint method for 'tab' object
print.waldPrint method for wald objects
ProjProjection matrix
Proj.1Projection matrix
Proj.testTest accuracy of projection method.
RbindStack data frames vertically
Read_excelWrapper for read_excel in 'readxl' package
render_keepRender with Rmarkdown and keep intermediate files
rndRound and format
rowdiffsPairwise differences of rows of a matrix
rpfmtDisplaying p-values with estimates
runEvaluate character strings as an expression
samplerShow available characters, colours, etc.
scHypothesis matrix for general regression splines
setwd_hereSet working directory to directory of active R script
smsplineGenerate a smoothing spline
smspline.vsmspline.v from library splines with better ginverse
solve.pdIndsolve method for pdInd objects.
sortdfOrder the rows of a data frame
spida2spida2: Functions used in the Statistical Consulting Service...
spline.ESpline estimation function
spline.TSpline tranformation matrix
stressStress test
sub_Methods providing versions of sub and gsub for pipelines and...
sublastSubstitute last occurrence of a pattern in a string
surveyFunctions for post-stratification adjustments in surveys
tabTable of frequencies or relative frequencies bordered with...
tab_tab without marginal totals
tab__tab without marginal totals and 'All'
tab_dfReturn a table as as data frame
tabfCreate an array of data frames splitting on a formula with...
tablemissingTabulate and visualize missing values
tablemissing_Show patterns of missing data
tdSet lattice parameters for multiple groups
test1test1 to see how to combine different function
tolongCreate a long file from a wide file
tolong_2Long data set from wide data set
towideWide data set from long data set
tranTranslate elements of a vector
UnempMonthly unemployment data in the U.S. from 1995-01-01 to...
Unemp2Copy Monthly unemployment data in the U.S. from 1995-01-01 to...
upCreate a data frame at a higher level of aggregation
up_applyApply a function to clusters of rows in a data frame
varLevelIdentify level of aggregation at which a variable in...
VcovGeneric 'vcov' extended to objects with a 'getFix' method
vsVovk-Sellke Maximum p-Ratio
waldGeneral Linear Hypothesis for the 'fixed' portion of a model...
wald2General Linear Hypothesis for the 'fixed' portion of a model...
walddfWald function producing a data frame for graphing
WeekdaysExtract day of the week as a factor
wtd_meanWeighted mean
XmatEstimate Dth derivative of polynomial at x
xqplotExtended Quantile Plots
yearsGet the year of a Date object
yscale.components.log100realPlot '100 x log scale' data with real scale on right
gmonette/spida2 documentation built on July 14, 2024, 12:45 p.m.