
Defines functions towide_old towide

Documented in towide

#' Wide data set from long data set
#' Creates a wide data frame from a long data frame identifying
#' an 'id' variable and using a time variable whose values
#' provide suffixes for time-varying variable names in wide form.
#' In contrast with reshape in stats, this function
#' identifies variables that
#' are invariant with respect to 'idvar' and does not
#' expand them to wide form.
#' Only 'time'-varying variables are expanded to wide form.
#' @param data a data frame in 'long' form.
#' @param idvar (default: 'id') the variable(s) identifying each group of rows
#' that are transformed to a single row in the wide file.
#' @param timevar (default: 'time') the variable containing
#' the occasion names in the long file.
#' @param sep (default: '_') the character(s) that separate the name of
#' a time-varying variable in the long form
#' from the added suffix for the
#' correponding names in wide form. Default: '_'.
#' @param add.invariants (default TRUE) additional variables that are invariant
#' within clusters are kept in output even if not included in 'idvar'
#' (default: names(data)[gicc(data, data[idvar])]).
#' For all variables, except \code{idvar} to be treated as time-varying,
#' use \code{invar = NULL}.
#' @param \dots Other arguments are passed to \code{\link[stats]{reshape}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{tolong}}
#' @return a data frame in wide form in which each variable that varies
#' within levels of 'idvar' is turned into as many variables as there are
#' distinct values of 'timevar' using the values of 'timevar' as suffixes to
#' name the variables in wide form.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Subjects A, B observed on varying occasions, measuring variables
#' #  x and y in different locations
#' dd <- data.frame( subject = c('A','A','B'),
#'                   time = c(1,2,1), 
#'                   y.left = 1:3, y.right = 1:3, 
#'                   x.left= 1:3, x.right = 11:13, x.middle = 21:23 
#'                   )
#' dd
#' tolong(dd, sep = '.') # uses 'time' as default name for occasions variable
#' # Specify new 'timevar' to avoid clobbering 'time':
#' dl <- tolong(dd, sep = '.', timevar = "location") 
#' dl
#' #
#' # Back to wide format: Use 'idvar' to specify combination of 
#' # of variable values that uniquely identifies rows in wide file:
#' #
#' towide(dl, idvar = c('subject','time'), timevar = 'location')
#' # Long file with additional constants
#' dl <- data.frame(name = rep(c('A','B','C'), c(3,3,2)),
#'                  site = c('head','neck','jaw','chest')[
#'                       c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,4)],
#'                  sex = rep(c('male','female','male'), c(3,3,2)),
#'                  var1 = 1:8,
#'                  var2 = 11:18,
#'                  invar = rep(1:3, c(3,3,2)))
#' dl
#' towide(dl, c('name','sex'), 'site')
#' # Two indexing variable: e.g. hippocampal volume: 2 sides x 3 sites
#' dl <- data.frame(name = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 6),
#'                  side = rep(c('left','right'), 9),
#'                  site = rep(rep(c('head','body','tail'),each = 2),3),
#'                  volume = 1:18,
#'                  grade = LETTERS[1:18],
#'                  sex = rep(c('female','male','female'), each = 6),
#'                  age = rep(c(25, 43, 69), each = 6))
#' dl
#' (dl.site <- towide(dl, c('name','side'), 'site'))
#' (dl.site.side <- towide(dl.site, c('name'), 'side'))
#' dl.site.side[,sort(names(dl.site.side))]
#' #
#' # Switching long and wide variables
#' # Multiple variables in 'idvar'
#' #  
#' dd <- read.table(header=T,text="
#' country    variable   1990 1991 1992 1993
#' Canada     population   20   21   24   26
#' Canada     income       10   12   12   11
#' Mexico     population   50   52   53   54
#' Mexico     income       30   31   33   34
#' ")
#'  dd                 
#'  names(dd) <- sub("^X","val__", names(dd)) # use '__' in case '_' is used elsewhere                
#'  dd
#'  dl <- tolong(dd, sep = '__', timevar = 'year')
#'  dl
#'  dw <- towide(dl, idvar = c('country','year'), 
#'         timevar = 'variable')
#'  dw
#'  dw[grep('^id_',names(dw))] <- NULL
#'  dw
#'  names(dw) <- sub("^val_","", names(dw))
#'  dw
#' #
#' #  A function to flip years and variables
#' #
#' flip <- function(data, rowvar = 'country', 
#'                  colfmt = '[0-9]{4}$', 
#'                  varname = 'variable', sep = '__') {
#'     names(data) <- sub(
#'          paste0("^.*(",colfmt,')'), 
#'          paste0("value",sep,"\\1"), 
#'          names(data))
#'     dl <- tolong(data, sep = "__", timevar = 'year', idvar = "XXXX")
#'     dw <- towide(dl, timevar = varname, idvar = c(rowvar, 'year'), sep = '__')
#'     dw <- dw[, - grep("^XXXX", names(dw))]
#'     names(dw) <- sub(paste0('value',sep), '', names(dw))
#'     dw
#' }     
#' flip(dd)
#' #     
#' # Mixture of time-varying and time-invariant variables
#' #
#' dl <- data.frame(subject = c('A','A','A','B','B','C','C'), 
#'                  time = c(1,2,3,1,2,1,3),
#'                  sex = c('male','male','male','female','female','male','male'),
#'                  y = c(10,10,10,11,11,12,12), # accidentally time-invariant
#'                  x = c(20,21,22,25,26,18,19)) # time-varying
#' towide(dl, idvar = 'subject', timevar = 'time')  
#' towide(dl, idvar = 'subject', timevar = 'time', add.invariants = FALSE)  
#' # multiple time variables: e.g. month, day
#' dl <- data.frame(subject = c('A','A','A','B','B','C','C'), 
#'                  month = c(1,1,3,2,2,1,3),
#'                  day =   c(10,15, 2, 3, 9, 20, 2),
#'                  sex = c('male','male','male','female','female','male','male'),
#'                  y = c(10,10,10,11,11,12,12), # accidentally time-invariant
#'                  x = c(20,21,22,25,26,18,19)) # time-varying
#' # need single time variable
#' dl
#' dl$date <- with(dl, as.Date(paste0(month,'-',day),'%m-%d'))  # uses the current year
#' dl
#' dw <- towide(dl, idvar = 'subject', timevar = c('date'))
#' dl2 <- tolong(dw, sep = '_')
#' sortdf(dl2, ~ subject/time)
#' #
#' # Variables in long form
#' #
#' # This illustrates what how towide works when some variables 
#' # invariant wrt the key and others vary. Here the key is
#' # c('country','year'). The key-variant variables are value
#' # and rownum. The invariant variable is country.code
#' # 
#' dd <- read.table(header=TRUE, text = "
#' country   year   variable    value country.code  rownum  
#' Canada     2001    atemp       20   CAN           1
#' Canada     2002    atemp       23   CAN           2
#' US         2001    atemp       23   USA           3
#' US         2002    atemp       23   USA           4
#' Canada     2001    wind       120   CAN           5
#' Canada     2002    wind       123   CAN           6
#' US         2001    wind       123   USA           7
#' US         2002    wind       123   USA           8
#' Canada     2001    rain       220   CAN           9
#' Canada     2002    rain       223   CAN           10
#' US         2001    rain       223   USA           11
#' US         2002    rain       223   USA           12
#' ")
#' (dw <- towide(dd, idvar = c('country','year'), timevar = 'variable'))
#' #
#' # to keep only the variable name as a name
#' #
#' names(dw) <- sub('^value_','', names(dw))
#' dw
#' #
#' # to get rid of other time varying variable
#' #
#' dw <- dw[, - grep('_', names(dw))]
#' dw
#' }
#' @export
towide <- function(data,
           idvar = 'id',
           timevar = 'time',
           sep = '_',
           add.invariants = TRUE,
           ...) {
    invars <- function( data, idvar) {
      # identify invariant variables
      ret <- sapply(data, function(x) {
        max(capply(x,data[,idvar], function(y) length(unique(y))))
      ret <- ret == 1
    if(add.invariants) invars <- names(data)[invars(data, idvar)]
    dinv <- data[, invars, drop=FALSE]
    dinv <- dinv[!duplicated(dinv[idvar]),,drop=FALSE]
    dl <- data[,c(idvar, names(data) %less% invars), drop = FALSE]
    dw <- stats::reshape(dl, direction = 'wide',
                         idvar = idvar,
                         timevar = timevar, 
                         sep = sep, 
    merge(dw, dinv, by = idvar)

towide_old <- function(data,
                   idvar = 'id',
                   timevar = 'time',
                   sep = '_',
                   add.invariants = TRUE,
                   ...) {
  invars <- function( data, idvar) {
    # identify invariant variables
    ret <- sapply(data, function(x) {
      max(capply(x,data[,idvar], function(y) length(unique(y))))
    ret <- ret == 1
  if(add.invariants) idvar <- names(data)[invars(data, idvar)]
  stats::reshape(data, direction = 'wide',
                 idvar = idvar,
                 timevar = timevar, sep = sep, ...)
gmonette/spida2 documentation built on Aug. 11, 2024, 7:52 p.m.