
# generate data
xdata <- randomsequence(20, 100)
allids <- colnames(xdata$pres)[2:ncol(xdata$pres)]
winner <- xdata$seqdat$winner
loser <- xdata$seqdat$loser
Date <- xdata$seqdat$Date
k <- rep(100, length(winner))
svals <- rep(1000, length(allids))

# fast elo, and resorting according to names of ids from elo.seq
res1 <- fastelo(WINNER = winner, LOSER = loser, ALLIDS = allids, KVALS = k, STARTVALUES = svals, NORMPROB = TRUE)[[1]]
names(res1) <- allids
res1 <- sort(res1, decreasing = TRUE)
# elo.seq
res2 <- extract_elo(elo.seq(winner = winner, loser = loser, Date = Date, startvalue = 1000, k = 100, normprob = TRUE, runcheck = FALSE))
res2 <- res2[names(res1)]

test_that("elofast and eloseq same results", {
  expect_equal(res1, res2)

myks <- list(displace = 20, fight = 200)
res1 <- elo.seq(winner = adv2$winner, loser = adv2$loser, Date = adv2$Date, k = myks, intensity = adv2$intensity)
res1 <- extract_elo(res1)

ks <- unlist(myks[adv2$intensity])
res2 <- fastelo(WINNER = adv2$winner, LOSER = adv2$loser, ALLIDS = letters[1:7], KVALS = ks, STARTVALUES = rep(1000, 7), NORMPROB = TRUE)[[1]]
names(res2) <- letters[1:7]
res2 <- sort(res2, decreasing = TRUE)

test_that("elofast and eloseq same results with custom k", {
  expect_equal(res1, res2)

gobbios/EloRating documentation built on July 19, 2024, 4:05 a.m.