knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

An R package for A/B testing leveraging pre-period data

What does it do?

The abpackage R package implements PrePost, a Bayesian approach for the estimation of the treatment effect in A/B testing. When pre-period data are available, the method leverages the pre-period to get a more accurate estimate of the treatment effect.

How does it work?

For each metric, the names "pre" and "post" indicate the periods before and after the start of the experiment, respectively. The names "control" and "treatment" indicate the two condition groups.

First, the method estimates the mean and variance of the metric in the pre-period. Second, it estimates the means and variances in the post-period conditionally on the estimate of the mean in the pre-period.

For each metric, PrePost returns the estimate of the percent change between the mean of the treatment and the mean of the control in the post-period. Additionally, PrePost also computes the difference between the mean of the treatment and the mean of the control in the post-period.

1. Example: single metric

Let's generate and plot some synthetic data. In this case the true percent change is 0.4% (0.8 / 200 = 0.004):

n <- 20
mu.pre <- 200
mu.trmt <- 0.8
mu.ctrl <- 0 <- rnorm(n, mu.pre) <- rnorm(n, mu.pre) <- rnorm(n, mu.trmt) + <- rnorm(n, mu.ctrl) +
data <- data.frame(pre = c(,,
                   post = c(,,
                   condition = factor(c(rep("control", n),
                                        rep("treatment", n))),
                   metric = rep("my metric", 2 * n))

ggplot(data, aes(pre, post, color = condition)) + geom_point()

Now, we can estimate the percentage change between treatment and control using the function PrePost. The credible interval contains the true percent change.


We can compare the result with the model where the pre-period is omitted. The true percent change is still contained in the credible interval, but the interval is substantially wider:

PrePost(dplyr::select(data, -pre))

2. Example: multiple metrics

Let's generate some data from 10 hypothetical metrics using the SampleData function. We assume a 1% increase in the treatment group for the first 3 metrics, and a 1% decrease in the treatment group for the fourth metric. For the remaining 6 metrics we assume that there is no difference between the treatment and the control. We fix the pre-post correlation at 0.8, which is commonly observed in experiments on large-scale online services.

n.metrics <- 10
n.observations <- 20
mu.pre <- 100
sigma.pre <- 1
rho.ctrl <- 0.8
rho.trmt <- rho.ctrl
mu.ctrl <- mu.pre <- 1.01
trmt.effect.dec <- 0.99
no.trmt.effect <- 1.00
mu.trmt <- mu.pre * c(rep(, 3), trmt.effect.dec, rep(no.trmt.effect, 6))
sigma.ctrl <- 1.8
sigma.trmt <- sigma.ctrl
data <- SampleData(n.observations = n.observations,
                   n.metrics = n.metrics,
                   mu.pre = mu.pre,
                   sigma.pre = sigma.pre,
                   rho.ctrl = rho.ctrl,
                   rho.trmt = rho.trmt,
                   mu.ctrl = mu.ctrl,
                   mu.trmt = mu.trmt,
                   sigma.ctrl = sigma.ctrl,
                   sigma.trmt = sigma.trmt)

Let's look at the data.


Now, we estimate the treatment effect for each of the 10 metrics using the function PrePost. For each metric, the function PrePost computes the credible intervals and identifies whether the test is statistically significant after correcting for multiple testing. In fact, when testing several hypotheses it is recommended to use a stricter criterion than the classical "does it overlap with zero?" to avoid too many false positives. Multiple comparison is based on the p.adjust function from the base stats package in R. The desired method can be passed to the function using p.method, and the default is p.method = "none", i.e., no correction. The desired threshold can be passed to the function using p.threshold, and the default value is p.threshold = 0.05.

The method correctly detects the ~1% increase for the first 4 metrics.

(ans <- PrePost(data, p.method = "BH"))

In the plot below, the barplot shows the 95% credible intervals for the percentage change between the treatment and the control for each of the 10 metrics. The significant metrics are plotted in green/red (positive/negative), while the non-significant metrics are plotted in grey.


If we only want to plot the metrics that are statistically significant, we can use the input only.sig = TRUE. This can be particularly useful if you are testing a large number of hypotheses.

plot(ans, only.sig = TRUE)

Let's repeat the analysis without using the pre-period. In this case only 1 of the 4 impacted metrics is identified. <- dplyr::select(data, -pre)

( <- PrePost(,
                              p.method = "BH"))


Looking at the plot, one might wonder why 3 credible intervals do not overlap with zero, but only 1 is identified as statistically significant. This is due to the multiple testing correction. In this example the Benjamini and Hochberg correction is used.

3. Reshape data

Data pulled using a sql language often have a column for each metric.

data <- SampleData(n.metrics = 4, spread = TRUE) %>%
  dplyr::rename(obs = observation) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(condition = if_else(condition == "control", "ctrl", "trmt")) %>%
  dplyr::rename(cond = condition) %>%
  dplyr::mutate( = if_else( == "pre", "before", "after")) %>%
  dplyr::rename(period =

The data can be reshaped using the function ReshapeData. The name and levels of variables can also be passed to the function in case the input data do not have the canonical names and levels.

set.seed(1) <- ReshapeData(data,
                             observation.col = "obs",
                             condition.col = "cond",
                             condition.levels = c("ctrl", "trmt"),
                    = "period",
                    = c("before", "after"))


4. Check pre-period balance

PrePost assumes that the distributions of the control group and the treatment group are identical in the pre-period. The function PreCheck can be used to make sure that there is no systematic bias between the two groups in the pre-period.

Let's generate data from 100 hypothetical metrics using the default values of the SampleData function.

n.metrics <- 100
data <- SampleData(n.metrics = n.metrics)
pre.period.check <- PreCheck(data)

If pre-period observations were generated independently across metrics, and identically across conditions within each metric, then 5% of metrics would be expected to be classified as "" (light misalignment, 0.05 < p-value < 0.10), 4% of metrics would be expected to be classified as "" (medium misalignment, 0.01 < p-value < 0.05), and 1% of metrics would be expected to be classified as "" (heavy misalignment, p-value < 0.01).

Let's see what these percentages look like for our dataset.

table(pre.period.check$misalignment) / n.metrics

The proportion of misaligned metrics is consistent with what we would expect in a balanced pre-period.

Now that we have verified that the pre-period is balanced, we can move on and analyze the metrics with PrePost.

ans <- PrePost(data)

5. Model assumptions

PrePost assumes that in the pre-period observations within the control group and the treatment group are identical distributed. Specifically, they are Normally distributed $$ X_{i,j} \sim Normal(\mu_0, \sigma_0^2), $$ where the index $i$ represents the observation and $j$ represents the condition group. Specifically, $j=1$ indicates the control group and $j=2$ indicates the treatment group.

In the post period, observations within the control group and the treatment group are independent but not identically distributed across groups $$ Y_{i,j} \sim Normal(\mu_j, \sigma_j^2). $$

PrePost leverages the correlation between the pre-period and the post-period $$ cor(X_{i,j}, Y_{i,j}) = \rho_j $$ to get tighter credible intervals and more accurate point estimates than classic post-period based approaches.

6. Manuscript

Soriano J. Percent Change Estimation in Large Scale Online Experiments. arXiv, 2017, 1711.00562.

google/abpackage documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:44 a.m.