  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
# devtools::install_github("")
# devtools::load_all("~/Projects/R_packages/anem")

Case study: Additional examples using shapefile data inputs

Import and examine wells and manually drawn boundaries

Let's begin by loading some data to practice with. The data are stored in two shapefiles included with this package, a genevese_wells shapefile containing point features with attributes for rate and diameter, and a second genevese_boundaries shapefile with line geometries and the property bound_type.



Plot the data

The coordinates of objects should be in a planar coordinate system in meters. Tranform both of the shapefiles to UTM projection, first by getting the UTM zone, using longitude_to_utm_zone(), and proj4string, using utm_zone_to_proj4(), then transforming the shapefiles usng sf::st_transform().

utm_zone <- longitude_to_utm_zone(mean(st_coordinates(genevese_wells)[,'X']))
utm_proj4 <- utm_zone_to_proj4(utm_zone)
pts_utm <- genevese_wells %>% sf::st_transform(utm_proj4)
boundaries_utm <- genevese_bounds %>% sf::st_transform(utm_proj4)

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=boundaries_utm, aes()) + 
  geom_sf(data=pts_utm, aes())

Wells in a uniform confined aquifer

Prepare the aquifer

We now need to extract the coordinates of the wells and boundaries, as well as get the slope (m) and intercept (b) of the boundaries. This can be done with the define_aquifer() function, which creates an aquifer (S3 class) object. This function also prepares boundaries using the define_bounds() function (e.g., run the commented code to see how it works). The aquifer class is essentially a list with properties specific to the aquifer, including Ksat, bounds, etc. It also has its own print method. See ?define_aquifer for more details. Also note that by default, the define_bounds functions takes irregular quadrangles and turns them into rectangles. The method of images only works for aquifer with rectangular geometries (i.e., boundaries at right angles).

# bounds <- define_bounds(boundaries_utm)
aquifer_confined <- define_aquifer("confined",1e-3,bounds=boundaries_utm,h0=100,z0=10)

Prepare the wells

We also need to prepare the wells. Generate an aquifer polygon and take only the wells that intersect the aquifer.

bounds_polygon <- aquifer_confined$bounds %>% 
  summarize() %>% st_polygonize() %>% st_collection_extract("POLYGON")

wells_df_in_aquifer <- pts_utm %>% st_intersection(bounds_polygon) %>% group_by() 

Now calculate the radius of influence of each well using get_ROI and plot the results. The function get_ROI has a few different options for calculating the radius of influence of wells.

wells_df <- wells_df_in_aquifer %>%
         Q=if_else(well_group=="COMMUNE",-2*Q,Q))  %>%
wells <- define_wells(wells_df)

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=boundaries_utm, aes(), linetype="dashed",alpha=0.5,color="gray") + 
  geom_sf(data=aquifer_confined$bounds, aes(color=as.factor(round(m,1)))) + 
  geom_point(data=wells, aes(x,y))

Generate hydraulic head

The wells object contains a row for each well. Because of the principle of superposition, the hydraulic head at any given location is the sum of the effect on hydraulic head of all pumping wells.

The function get_gridded_hydrodynamics() can be used to extract gridded hydraulic head and flow.

gridded <- get_gridded_hydrodynamics(wells,aquifer_confined,
head <- gridded$head
flow <- gridded$flow

ggplot() +
  geom_raster(data=head,aes(x,y,fill=head_m))  +
  geom_point(data=wells, aes(x,y),shape=1,stroke=1) +
  geom_contour(data=head,aes(x,y,z=head_m),bins=20,color="gray",linetype="dashed")  + 
               arrow = arrow(ends="last",type="closed",length=unit(1,"mm"))) +
  coord_equal() +

Get flow direction

Wells in an aquifer with bounds on all sides

Here we will use the wells object generated for the confined aquifer. However, we need to define a new unconfined auifer. This is done again using the define_aquifer function.

aquifer_unconfined <- define_aquifer("unconfined",Ksat=0.0001,h0=100,bounds=boundaries_utm)

Generate well images

The aquifer_unconfined has boundaries defined, but these boundaries won't actually reproduce the behavior of boundaries in the groundwater model. To reproduce the behavior of the boundaries, we need to generate image wells by mirroring wells across each of the boundaries. Wells are mirrored across no-flow ("NF") boundaries with the inverse rate of pumping, and across constant head ("CH") boundaries with the same pumping rate.

Lastly, to know the effect of a well on any given location, we need to know the radius of influence of the well. This package provides a couple ways to do this through the get_ROI function. See ?get_ROI for more resources.

well_images <- generate_image_wells(wells,aquifer_unconfined) 
well_roi <- gen_circles(well_images %>% rename(r=R))
# ggplot()  +
#   geom_sf(data=aquifer_unconfined$bounds, aes()) + 
#   geom_sf(data=boundaries_utm, aes(), linetype="dashed",alpha=0.5,color="gray") + 
#   geom_point(data=well_images,aes(x,y),alpha=0.5) + 
#   # geom_polygon(data=well_roi,aes(x,y,group=id),alpha=0.3,color="black")  
#   geom_polygon(data=well_roi,aes(x,y,group=id),alpha=0.01)

Some of the images wells are too far away to affect the aquifer. Select only the wells that have a mirror distance less than the radius of influence of the wells.

ggplot()  +
  geom_sf(data=boundaries_utm, aes(), linetype="dashed",alpha=0.5,color="gray")+
  geom_polygon(data=well_roi,aes(x,y,group=id),alpha=0.1,color=NA) +
  geom_sf(data=aquifer_unconfined$bounds, aes(color=as.factor(bID)),size=1) +
  geom_point(data=well_images,aes(x,y,fill=Q),alpha=0.5,size=3,shape=21) +
  scale_fill_gradient2("Pumping rate",low="blue",mid="gray",high="red") +

Check to ensure the boundaries are working as intended

The function get_bounds_behavior() is a helper function to generate hydraulic properties at the boundaries. It obtains hydraulic head and the flow normal to the boundary. Normal flow is defined such that positive flow has some component in the x-direction (the y-direction depends on the normal vector for the boundary). The function plot_bounds_behavior() is a wrapper around get_bounds_behavior(), and it can be used to quickly compare the hydraulic head along the boundaries and flow across the boundaries under scenarios:

gg_bounds_behavior <- plot_bounds_behavior(well_images,aquifer_unconfined)

Generate hydraulic head

The well_images object contains a row for each well (including actual wells and well images). Because of the principle of superposition, the hydraulic head at any given location is the sum of the effect on hydraulic head of all pumping wells.

First define set of coordinates with which to calculate head by defining a bounding box (grid_bounds) and using expand.grid and seq to generate evenly spaced points in the variable grid_pts_head. Then, use thes points and the well_images to generate hydraulic head using get_hydraulic_head().

gridded <- get_gridded_hydrodynamics(well_images,aquifer_unconfined,
head <- gridded$head
flow <- gridded$flow

ggplot() +
  geom_raster(data=head,aes(x,y,fill=head_m))  +
  geom_contour(data=head,aes(x,y,z=head_m),bins=20,color="gray",linetype="dashed")  + 
               arrow = arrow(ends="last",type="closed",length=unit(1,"mm"))) + 
  geom_point(data=well_images %>% filter(well_image=="Actual"),aes(x,y)) +
  geom_sf(data=aquifer_unconfined$bounds, aes())

Get flow direction

Getting flow direction is similar to getting hydraulic head -- the function get_flow_direction() is a wrapper around get_hydraulic_head() that incorporates a numeric derivative from the package numDeriv. Similar to before, define set of coordinates of evenly spaced points. Then, use these points and the well_images to generate hydraulic head using get_flow_direction().

Calculate Dii, Dij

wells_genevese <- wells %>% filter(well_image=="Actual")
aquifer_genevese <- aquifer_unconfined
wells_game <- wells_genevese %>%
         well_sign=if_else(well_type=="pumping",-1,1)) %>%
  group_by(player) %>% 
  mutate(weights=1,Q=1/n()) %>% group_by()
well_game_images <- generate_image_wells(wells_game,aquifer_genevese)
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data=aquifer_unconfined$bounds, aes()) + 

Calculate $\Phi_{ij}$ as the average effect of wells j on wells i, using the get_drawdown_relationships() function.

drawdown_genevese <- get_drawdown_relationships(well_game_images,aquifer_genevese,player,weights)
drawdown_genevese %>% knitr::kable() %>% kableExtra::kable_styling()

gopalpenny/anem documentation built on Dec. 20, 2020, 5:27 a.m.