Man pages for graeberlab-ucla/MetabR
MetabR: UCLA Metabolomics QC Analysis Pipeline

AAA character vector of amino acids.
AbbrevFile containing metabolite information.
Abbrev_icsFile containing metabolite information.
Abbrev_vanqFile containing metabolite information.
AdenineA character vector of adenine-related compounds.
AnnoFile containing metabolite information.
bar_plot_update_manualFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
bar_update_manualFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
call_accucor1call_accucor1 Calls Accucor Natural Isotope Correction for...
check_50Functions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
CoAsA character vector of co-enzyme A-related compounds.
CompMZA data frame with compound information for 15710 from the...
compound.pathwayA data frame of 3443 KEGG metabolites and their association...
compoundsA data frame of 18042 KEGG compounds.
correct_isoFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
CurrA character vector of currency metabolites.
CysA character vector of cysteine metabolism compounds.
CytosineA character vector of cytosine-related compounds.
element_fileFile containing element information.
FAA character vector of fatty acid-related compounds.
filter_dataFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
FruA character vector of fructose metabolism compounds.
full_medium_plot_funcFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
gene.pathwayA data frame of genes associated with 319 KEGG pathways. This...
glycolysisA character vector of glycolysis compounds.
GuanineA character vector of guanine metabolism compounds.
HexA character vector of hexose metabolism compounds.
KEGG.pathwayA data frame with 514 KEGG pathways and their corresponding...
make_data_labeledFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
make_heatmap2Make heatmap
make_istdFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
make_MA_PItblMake MetaboAnalyst compatible peak intensity table CSV
make_matrixThis function produces a matrix for hierarchical clustering...
make_MID2This function produces a data frame with mass isotopologue...
make_MID_uncorrectedThis function produces a data frame with mass isotopologue...
make_PCA2_updateFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
maven_processingFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
molecule_CFile containing metabolite information.
molecule_CNFile containing metabolite information.
molecule_NFile containing metabolite information.
NeurotransA character vector of neurotransmitter compounds.
normalA character vector of colors used in heatmaps.
pathsA list with all information for 319 KEGG pathways.
pipePipe operator
plot_istdFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
PPPA character vector of pentose phosphate metabolism compounds.
purineA character vector of purine metabolism compounds.
pyrimidineA character vector of pyrimidine metabolism compounds.
QEA character vector of compounds to be used as MID inputs for...
RelAmountsFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
TCAA character vector of Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) metabolism...
ThymineA character vector of thymine metabolism compounds.
update_infoFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
update_info_mavenFunctions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics...
UracilA character vector of uracil metabolism compounds.
graeberlab-ucla/MetabR documentation built on Oct. 29, 2024, 2:56 a.m.