View source: R/summary.joint.R
summary.joint | R Documentation |
Generic function used to produce summary information from a
fitted random effects joint model as represented by object
of class
## S3 method for class 'joint'
summary(object, variance = TRUE, ...)
object |
an object of class |
variance |
should the variance components be output as variances or
standard deviations? Defaults to |
... |
further arguments for the summary. |
An object inheriting from class summary.joint
with all
components included in object
(see joint
for a full
description of the components) plus the following components:
nobs |
the total number of (typically longitudinal) observations (i.e. rows in an unbalanced data set). |
ngrps |
the number of groups in the analyzed dataset, often individual subjects. |
Pete Philipson
heart.surv <- UniqueVariables(heart.valve,
var.col = c("fuyrs","status"),
id.col = "num")
heart.long <- heart.valve[, c("num", "time", "log.lvmi")]
heart.cov <- UniqueVariables(heart.valve,
c("age", "hs", "sex"),
id.col = "num")
heart.valve.jd <- jointdata(longitudinal = heart.long,
baseline = heart.cov,
survival = heart.surv,
id.col = "num",
time.col = "time")
fit <- joint(data = heart.valve.jd,
long.formula = log.lvmi ~ 1 + time + hs,
surv.formula = Surv(fuyrs,status) ~ hs,
model = "intslope")
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