Man pages for graemetlloyd/metatree
Generating Meta-Analytical Phylogenies

BuildMetatreeReconciliationBuild metatree taxonomic reconcilaiotn
CollapseDuplicateTaxonMRPCollapses an MRP matrix with duplicate taxa
EmbiggenMatrixEmbiggen a cladistic matrix
GetFilesForCladeGets file list for given clade
GetPseudoIndependentPhyloFilesGet pseudo-independent cladistic data sets
ListPosition2ListCoordinatesGives the exact position of the kth item in a list
MetatreeBuilds metatree from source data
metatree-packageGenerating Meta-Analytical Phylogenies
MultiTreeContradictionMultiple tree contradiction distances
MultiTreeDistanceMultiple tree distances
PaleobiologyDBDescendantFinderPalaeobiology Database Descendant Finder
PaleobiologyDBOccurrenceQuerierPalaeobiology Database Occurrence Querier
PaleobiologyDBTaxaQuerierPalaeobiology Database Taxa Querier
PaleobiologyDBTreeBuilderPalaeobiology Database Tree Builder
PisaniMRPPrunePrunes an MRP matrix of any redundant characters
ReadMetatreeXMLReads in a metatree-format XML file
SurvivingLineagesFinds unique surviving lineages of an extinction
Tree2MRPConverts tree(s) to an MRP matrix
Trees2MPTsAndStrictConverts TNT tree output to ape format
WriteMetatreeXMLWrites out a metatree-format XML file
graemetlloyd/metatree documentation built on April 29, 2021, 2:32 a.m.