
Defines functions rgrsCheckMST

#Check that the MST of the current point configuration matches
#the original minimum spanning tree. This is checked within a 
#tolerance level set by tol
rgrsCheckMST <- function(Xn,EdgeLengths,i,tol){
  #EdgeLengthMST <- mst(as.matrix(dist(Xn)))$weight
  EdgeLengthMST <- spantree(as.matrix(dist(Xn)))$dist
  SEL <- sum(EdgeLengths[1:(i+1)])
  SELMST <- sum(EdgeLengthMST)
  if(abs(SEL - SELMST) <= tol){
    Accept <- TRUE
    Accept <- FALSE
great-northern-diver/edmcr documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 12:52 p.m.