scorecard: scorecard: GGCM scorecard model performance update and report...

Description Setup Design Operation


The scorecard package is intended to support periodic automated analysis of trading model performance. It can, however, be used manually.


The package design hinges on two input files: a scorecard file and a transaction file. The scorecard file is a YAML specification for the scorecard layout: its rows identify individual trading models, which in turn point to model configuration files also in YAML format. The transaction file is a Bivio account history export file in XML format.


The package uses a workflow assumption that employs a data hand-off by way of a workspace archive file. One function gathers the update information and stores the results in the workspace archive. Downstream functions read the workspace archive to produce graphics or reports, but do not write to the workspace.


Although the package contains many functions, there are two key functions for interaction in the workflow.

sorecard_update() performs the data gathering, analysis, and generation of the workspace archive.

scorecard_produce() performs the generation of several PNG graphics files, presenting the results of the update and analysis.

greatgray/scorecard documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:34 a.m.