Man pages for green-striped-gecko/PopGenReport
A Simple Framework to Analyse Population and Landscape Genetic Data

addlineFunction to add lines to landscape
addpolyFunction to add a polygon to a landscape
allele.distCounts and visualises allele frequencies across loci and...
allel.richCalculates the allelic richness for a genind object
bilbyBilby data set
costdistancesCalculates cost distances for a given landscape (resistance...
emigrationFunction to execute emigration on a pops object
gd.kosmanIndividual genetic distance calculation based on Kosman &...
gd.smouseIndividual genetic distance calculation based on Smouse and...
genleastcostLeast-cost path analysis based on a friction matrix
init.popgensimInitialise a spatial meta-population for a popgen simulation
landgenA simulated genind data set with spatial coordinates
landgenreportCreate a landscape genetic report
lgrMMRRMultiple Matrix Regression with Randomization analysis
mutationFunction to execute mutation on a pop data.frame
null.allChecks for the presence of and determine the frequency of...
opt.landgenFunction for optimising a landscape genetic analysis based on...
p2pFunction to calculate dispersal distances based on cost...
pairwise.fstbCalculates pairwise fsts using a genind object (very fast)
pairwise.propSharedCalculates proportion of shared alleles per pairs of...
popgenreportThis is the main function of the package. It analyses an...
pops2genindFunction converts pops to a genind object
possumsA genlight object created via the read.genetable functions...
read.genetableFunction to convert textfiles into a genind object (the...
reproductionFunction to execute reproduction on a pop data.frame
run.popgensimRun a time-forward popgen simulation
spautocorSpatial autocorrelation following Smouse and Pekall 1999
wassermannPartial Mantel tests on costdistance matrices
green-striped-gecko/PopGenReport documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 6:22 a.m.