Man pages for gregorkb/aenetgt
Adaptive Elastic Net for Group Testing Data

aenetgt-packageAdaptive Elastic Net for Group Testing Data
aic.bic.eric.enetgt.gridChooses tuning parameters via AIC, BIC, and ERIC.
all_binary_sequencesGenerate all possible sequences of 0s and 1s of a given...
array.assay.genGenerates array testing data.
CovYiYj.approxApproximates the conditional covariance between all pairs of...
cv.enetgt.gridPeforms crossvalidation to select a combination of tuning...
dorfman.assay.genGenerates Dorfman testing data.
enetgtComputes the elastic net estimator with weighted l1 norm on...
enetgt.gridComputes the elastic net estimators with weighted l1 norm on...
EYapproxApproximates the conditional expectations of individual...
EYexactComputes conditional expectations of individual disease...
EYexact_RComputes conditional expectations of individual disease... array testing data into crossvalidation data sets. Dorfman testing data into crossvalidation data sets. individual testing data into crossvalidation data... masterpool testing data into crossvalidation data sets
individual.assay.genGenerates individual testing data.
logistic_enetCompute the elastic net estimator for logistic regression
logitCompute probabilities based on the logit link.
masterpool.assay.genGenerates master pool testing data.
mlegtComputes the mle on group testing data.
model0Generates data from model0.
model1Generates data from model1.
model2Generates data from model2.
model3Generates data from model3.
pull.diagnosesPulls individual diagnoses from group testing data if...
gregorkb/aenetgt documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 11:51 a.m.