Man pages for grfiv/ustreasuries
Treasury Data Download, Fixed-Income Models and Derivative Analyses

APYConvert CMT to APY
CAGRCompound Annual Growth Rate
CallParityCall prices derived from put-call parity
CMTratesDownload Constant-Maturity Treasury (CMT) rates
CoerceFedInvest_xtsCoerce a slice of FedInvest data to xts
DeltaCallDelta of a European Call Option
DeltaPutDelta of a European Put Option
discount_factorCalculate discount factor Z(t, T)
dOneThe d1 component of the Black-Scholes-Merton formula
dTwoThe d2 component of the Black-Scholes-Merton formula
enN: the Standard Normal CDF
EuroCallEuropean Call
EuroCallVolImplied Volatility for a European Call Option
EuroPutEuropean Put
EuroPutVolImplied Volatility for a European Put Option
FedInvestDataReturn treasury bond price data from 2010
ForwardPriceForward price
ForwardRateForward rate
GammaGamma of a European Option; convexity, curvature
interest_rateCalculate annualized interest rate r(t, T) from a discount...
InTheMoneyCallIs a call option in the money?
InTheMoneyPutIs a put option in the money?
IntrinsicValueCallIntrinsic value of a call option
IntrinsicValuePutIntrinsic value of a put option
nprimeN': the first derivative of N(x) ... the Standard Normal PDF
NSzerosConvert rates to discount factors Z(0, T)
phiNumerical Derivation of the Standard Normal CDF
PriceBond Price
PrintYieldCurvesPrint yield curves
PutParityPut prices derived from put-call parity
RandNProduces a standard normal random variable 'epsilon'
RandN_ssdtProduces a standard normal random normal variable epsilon...
r_continuousConvert TO continuous compounding FROM discrete
r_discreteConvert TO discrete compounding FROM continuous
RhoCallRho of a European Call Option
RhoPutRho of a European Put Option
RiskNeutralProbBinomial tree risk-neutral probability
SP500Daily S&P 500 data from Jan 3, 1950 to present
SP500TRDaily S&P 500 Total Return data from Jan 4, 1988 to present
spot_rateDerive Spot Rate from Discount Factor and Fractional Years
ThetaCallTheta of a European Call Option
ThetaPutTheta of a European Put Option
TimeValueCallTime Value of a European Call Option
TimeValuePutTime Value of a European Put Option
ustreasuriesUS Treasury bond analysis
VegaVega of a European Option
YearsMonthsDaysConvert fractional years into a lubridate period object
YTMYield To Maturity
ZbootstrapUse the Booststrap Method to determine discount factors Z(0,...
grfiv/ustreasuries documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:36 a.m.