
#' TimeSeriesAnalysis
#' Detects and marks outliers, breakpoints, and changes in variance in a time series.
#' @param valuecol Data vector
#' @param datecol Date vector
#' @param IQRs Allowable number of IQRs' away from the first or third quartile for a point to not be considered an outlier. Higher numbers result in fewer outliers.
#' @param plot toggles drawing of plot
#' @param plotly toggles plotting in plotly or ggplot
#' @return a data frame with the times, data values, outliers, changes in mean, and changes in variance
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- c(rnorm(50,0,1), rnorm(50,0,2),20,rnorm(50,10,1))
#' dates <- seq(as.Date("2016/1/1"), by="days", length.out=151)
#' TimeSeriesAnalysis(data,dates)
#' TimeSeriesAnalysis(c(1,2,3,5,-10,4,2,4,2,6,8,9), seq(as.Date("2016/1/1"), by="days", length.out=12))

TimeSeriesAnalysis <-
           plot = TRUE,
           plotly = FALSE,
           IQRs = 2) {
    valuecol <- valuecol[order(datecol)]
    datecol <- datecol[order(datecol)]

    xts <- xts::xts(valuecol, datecol)
    xts <- zoo::na.approx(xts)
    outliers <- FindOutliers(xts, IQRs, plot = FALSE)
    means <-
      changepoint::cpt.mean(stats::as.ts(xts), method = "PELT")
    vars <- changepoint::cpt.var(stats::as.ts(xts))

    dfout <-
      data.frame(datecol, valuecol, outliers, rep(0, length(outliers)), rep(0, length(outliers)))
    colnames(dfout) <-
      c("time", "value", "outliers", "meanchange", "varchange")
    dfout$meanchange[means@cpts] <- 1
    dfout$varchange[vars@cpts] <- 1

    if (plot == TRUE) {
      plot <-
        ggplot2::ggplot(dfout, ggplot2::aes(x = time, y = value)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(alpha = .15)) +
          x = time,
          y = value,
          color = "Outlier",
          alpha = ifelse(outliers > 0, .75, 0)
        )) +
          x = time,
          y = value,
          color = "Variance Change",
          alpha = ifelse(varchange > 0, .5, 0)
        )) +
          x = time,
          y = value,
          color = "Mean Change",
          alpha = ifelse(meanchange > 0, .5, 0)
        )) +
        ggplot2::scale_alpha_continuous(range = c(0, 1), guide = "none") + theme_GR()
      if (plotly == TRUE) {
      } else{

grieman/grieman documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:36 a.m.