Man pages for griffithdan/cooccur
Probabilistic Species Co-Occurrence Analysis in R

beetlesBeetle occurrence data from (Ulrich and Zalewski 2006).
cooccurA function to calculate pairwise co-occurrence patterns from...
cooccur-packagecooccur: Probabilistic Species Co-occurrence Analysis in R
coprobInternal function, not intended for use by the user.
coprobbaseInternal function, not intended for use by the user.
create.N.matrixFunction to create spp x spp matrix of potential co-occurring...
effect.sizesFunction to extract species pairwise effect sizes from an...
finchesFinch occurrence data from (Sanderson 2000).
obs.v.expFunction to plot a visualization of the observed versus...
pairFunction to examine co-occurrence patterns for an individual...
pair.attributesFunction to create a species-wise summary of co-occurrence...
pair.profileFunction to produce a visualization of species contributions...
plot.cooccurFunction for producing a heatmap co-occurrence visualization.
print.cooccurPrint significant pairwise species results.
prob.tableFunction to extract the probability table from an analysis of...
rodentsRodent occurrence data from (Brown and Kurzius 1987).
summary.cooccurMethod to summarize co-occurrence patterns.
griffithdan/cooccur documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:37 a.m.