  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"



The bdsreader package is a lightweight package that

The bdsreader translates child data (incoming via an API request) into a data object useful for R processing. The package is part of Joint Automatic Measurement and Evaluation System (JAMES) developed by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO.


Install the development version bdsreader by


There is no CRAN release.


The following commands illustrate the main use of bdsreader.

fn <- system.file("examples", "maria.json", package = "bdsreader")
tgt <- read_bds(fn)

Column age holds decimal age for the measurement. Every row contains a measurement yname, the conditioning variable xname and the Z-score zname. The column named zref holds the name of the growth reference (as defined in the nlreference package) used to calculate the Z-score. Columns y, x and z store their values, respectively.

The persondata() function extracts the person-level information:


The result of read_bds() feeds into further data processing in R.

Breakdown in steps

JSON Input Data

The example file maria.json contains Maria's data coded in JSON format according to BDS-schema file bds_v3.0.json. Here's the contents of the file with the child data:

  "Format": "3.0",
  "organisationCode": 1234,
  "reference": "Maria",
  "clientDetails": [
      "bdsNumber": 19,
      "value": "2"
      "bdsNumber": 20,
      "value": "20181011"
      "bdsNumber": 82,
      "value": 189
      "bdsNumber": 91,
      "value": "1"
      "bdsNumber": 110,
      "value": 990
      "bdsNumber": 238,
      "value": 1670
      "bdsNumber": 240,
      "value": 1900
  "clientMeasurements": [
      "bdsNumber": 235,
      "values": [
          "date": "20181111",
          "value": 380
          "date": "20181211",
          "value": 435
      "bdsNumber": 245,
      "values": [
          "date": "20181011",
          "value": 990
          "date": "20181111",
          "value": 1250
          "date": "20181211",
          "value": 2100
      "bdsNumber": 252,
      "values": [
          "date": "20181111",
          "value": 270
          "date": "20181211",
          "value": 305
  "nestedDetails": [
      "nestingBdsNumber": 62,
      "nestingCode": "01",
      "clientDetails": [
          "bdsNumber": 63,
          "value": "19950704"
      "nestingBdsNumber": 62,
      "nestingCode": "02",
      "clientDetails": [
          "bdsNumber": 63,
          "value": "19901202"

JSON is a lightweight format to exchange data between electronic systems. Field "bdsNumber" refers to the numbers defined in the Basisdataset JGZ. Field "value" contains the value for the "bdsNumber". See Basisdataset JGZ 4.0.1 for more details on "bdsNumber".

Read and parse input data

Validate input data

Age calculation

D-score calculation

Z-score calculation

Structure of result

Further information

growthcharts/bdsreader documentation built on March 26, 2024, 4:16 a.m.