Man pages for gsk3/bootLR
Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals for (Negative) Likelihood Ratio Tests

BayesianLR.testCompute the (positive/negative) likelihood ratio with...
bcaInternal function to analyze LR bootstrap finding median, and...
confusionStatisticsCompute sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio,...
drawMaxedOutInternal function to draw a set of sensitivities or...
medianConsistentlyOneFind the lowest population probability whose median is...
print.lrtestPrints results from the BayesianLR.test As is typical for R,...
run.BayesianLR.testThe actual function that runs the test. BayesianLR.test is a...
sequentialGridSearchOptimize a function returning a single numeric value subject...
gsk3/bootLR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:55 a.m.