Man pages for gsk3/taRifx.geo
Collection of various spatial functions

as.SpatialPolygons.bboxConvert a bounding box to a SpatialPolygons object Bounding...
cleanLatLonStandardize latitude/longitude coordinates Cleans up...
clipToExtentRestrict to extent of a polygon Currently does the sloppy...
closestPointFind closest point to a given point's coordinates...
countPointsInPolysCount points within a polygon
cumDistCalculate cumulative distance along a matrix of x,y...
geocodeGeocode character vectors using online services
georouteFind driving routes using online services
gGeoCodeGeocode using Google Maps API (deprecated) This has been...
IDsGet sp feature IDs
interpolateAndApplyWithinSpatialGeneric function to interpolate from a polygon to points...
interpolatePathpointsInterpolate points along a path
interpolatePolyPointInterpolate points from polygon SPDF This function returns...
interpolateWithinSingleSpatialInterpolate and sample within a single polygon (Called by...
lineDistLine distance in SpatialLinesDataFrame Stores length of each...
merge-methodsMerge a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with a data.frame
overlayPolyPolySplit polygons into contiguous parts Overlay, in the sense...
pointDistPairwiseCreate all pairwise distances of points from a...
pointgrid2SpatialPolygonsTake a grid of regularly spaced points (such as those output...
rbind.SpatialPolygonsDataFramerbind SpatialPolygonsDataFrames together, fixing IDs if...
reshapeSLDFReshape a spatialLinesDataFrame into a series of points with...
simpledistCartesian distance between points
SLDFtoLineConvert a SpatialLinesDataFrame to a single line matrix with...
smoothLinesSmooth the line segments in a SpatialLinesDataFrame
SPDFareasReturn areas of polygons in a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
SPDFtoPointsDFConvert SpatialPointsDataFrame to a regular data.frame with...
Srs1Entirely fabricated spatial data for taRifx.geo examples
statesU.S. State names, abbreviations, and FIPS codes
subsetSPDFSubset SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialPointsDataFrame
gsk3/taRifx.geo documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:56 a.m.