Man pages for gtatters/Thermimage
Thermal Image Analysis

airdensityReturns the density of air for a given air temperature.
airspecificheatSpecific heat capacity of air
airtconductivityThermal conductivity of air.
airviscosityReturns air viscosity for a given air temperature.
areaconeProvides the surface are of a cone
areacylinderProvides the surface area of a cylinder.
areasphereProvides the surface area of a sphere.
convertflirJPGConvert FLIR jpg into 16 bit grayscale file using shell...
convertflirVIDConvert FLIR CSQ or SEQ into PNG or AVI, using shell...
cumulDiffCumulative difference sum function for use with frame by...
diffFrameA frame difference function for subtracting adjacent frames...
ffmpegcallA simplified wrapper function calling ffmpeg
flip.matrixFlips a matrix 'left-right'. Used in re-arranging image data...
flirpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
flirsettingsExtracts meta tag information from a FLIR JPG image
forcedparametersParameters required for forced convection equation.
frameLocatesFind the frame read start positions in a FLIR SEQ video file.
freeparametersParameters required for free convection equation.
getFramesExtract raw binary thermal from thermal image file.
getTimesExtracts time values from binary imported thermal video file
glowbowpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
GrashofDetermines the Grashof number for an object
grey10palColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
grey120palColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
greyredpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
hconvConvective heat coefficient (W/m2/oC)
hotironpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
ironbowpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
LdEstimates downward facing longwave radiation (W/m2)
locate.fidReturns the index locations that match vector fid within data...
LuEstimates upward facing ground radiation (W/m2)
LwEstimates downward facing longwave radiation (W/m2)
meanEveryNCalculate the mean every nth data point.
medicalpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
midgreenpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
midgreypalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
mikronprismpalColour palette extracted from Mikron thermal camera files
mikroscanpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
mirror.matrixMirrors a matrix upside-down. Used in re-arranging image...
nameleadzeroAdd leading zeros to character for easy sequential naming of...
NusseltforcedNusselt number for forced convection.
NusseltfreeNusselt number for free convection.
palette.chooseChoose a colour palette for gradient filling thermal image...
plotThermPlot thermal image data for visualisation purposes.
PrandtlReturns the Prandtl number
qabsEstimates the absorbed solar and infrared radiation (W/m2)
qcondEstimates the area specific heat transfer by conduction...
qconvEstimates the area specific heat transfer by convection...
qradEstimates the area specific heat transfer by radiation (W/m2)
rainbow1234palColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
rainbowpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
raw2tempConverts raw thermal data into temperature (oC)
readflirJPGReads an image from a FLIR JPG file into an integer array.
ReynoldsCalculates the Reynolds number.
rotate180.matrixRotate a matrix by 180 degrees. Used for adjusting image...
rotate270.matrixRotate a matrix by 270 degrees counterclockwise (or 90 degree...
rotate90.matrixRotate a matrix by 90 degrees counterclockwise (270 degrees...
samp.imageA sample thermal image to demonstrate thermal colour palette...
slopebypointReturns the slope from linear regression with x values as...
slopeEveryNCalculate the slope every nth data point.
StephBoltzThe Stephan Boltzman constant.
TeOperative temperature estimate.
temp2rawConverts temperature (oC) to raw thermal data
TeqEstimates equivalent temperature.
TgroundEstimates ground temperature from ambient temperature and...
Thermimage-packageHandles thermal image data input and conversion to...
thermsumReturn summary of thermal image data.
thermsumcentSummary thermal calculations on a centrally located region of...
writeFlirBinSaves thermal image data to a binary file
yellowpalColour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
gtatters/Thermimage documentation built on Sept. 28, 2021, 2:02 p.m.