
Defines functions raw2temp

Documented in raw2temp

#' @export
raw2temp <-function(raw,E=1,OD=1,RTemp=20,ATemp=RTemp,IRWTemp=RTemp,IRT=1,RH=50,
         ATA1=0.006569, ATA2=0.01262, ATB1=-0.002276, ATB2=-0.00667, ATX=1.9)
  # how to call this function: 
  # raw2temp(raw,E,OD,RTemp,ATemp,IRWTemp,IRT,RH,PR1,PB,PF,PO,PR2)
  # Example with all settings at default/blackbody levels
  # raw2temp(18109,1,0,20,20,20,1,50,PR1,PB,PF,PO,PR2)
  # example with emissivity=0.95, distance=1m, window transmission=0.96, all temperatures=20C, 
  # 50% relative humidity
  # raw2temp(18109,0.95,1,20,20,20,0.96,50) 
  # default calibration constants for my FLIR camera will be used if you leave out the 
  # calibration data
  # raw: A/D bit signal from FLIR file
  # FLIR .seq files and .fcf files store data in a 16-bit encoded value. 
  # This means it can range from 0 up to 65535.  This is referred to as the raw value.  
  # The raw value isactually what the sensor detects which is related to the radiance hitting 
  # the sensor.
  # At the factory, each sensor has been calibrated against a blackbody radiation source so 
  # calibration values to conver the raw signal into the expected temperature of a blackbody 
  # radiator are provided.
  # Since the sensors do not pick up all wavelengths of light, the calibration can be estimated
  # using a limited version of Planck's law.  But the blackbody calibration is still critical
  # to this.
  # E: Emissivity - default 1, should be ~0.95 to 0.97 depending on source
  # OD: Object distance in metres
  # RTemp: apparent reflected temperature - one value from FLIR file (oC), default 20C
  # ATemp: atmospheric temperature for tranmission loss - one value from FLIR file (oC) - default = RTemp
  # IRWinT: Infrared Window Temperature - default = RTemp (oC)
  # IRT: Infrared Window transmission - default 1.  likely ~0.95-0.96. Should be empirically determined.
  # RH: Relative humidity - default 50%
  # Note: PR1, PR2, PB, PF, and PO are specific to each camera and result from the calibration at factory
  # of the camera's Raw data signal recording from a blackbody radiation source
  # Calibration Constants                 (A FLIR SC660, A FLIR T300(25o), T300(telephoto), A Mikron 7515)
  # PR1: PlanckR1 calibration constant from FLIR file  21106.77       14364.633     14906.216       21106.77
  # PB: PlanckB calibration constant from FLIR file    1501           1385.4        1396.5          9758.743281
  # PF: PlanckF calibration constant from FLIR file    1              1             1               29.37648768
  # PO: PlanckO calibration constant from FLIR file    -7340          -5753         -7261           1278.907078
  # PR2: PlanckR2 calibration constant form FLIR file  0.012545258    0.010603162   0.010956882     0.0376637583528285
  # Set constants below. Comment out those that are variables in this function
  # Keep those that should remain constants.  
  # These are here to make troubleshooting calculations easier if not running this as a function call
  # raw<-19746; E<-0.95; OD<-20; IRT<-0.96
  # RTemp<-20; IRWTemp<-RTemp; ATemp<-20; RH<-50
  # PR1<-21106.77; PB<-1501; PF<-1; PO<--7340; PR2<-0.012545258
  # These humidity parameters were extracted from the FLIR SC660 camera
  # ATA1: Atmospheric Trans Alpha 1  0.006569 constant for calculating humidity effects on transmission 
  # ATA2: Atmospheric Trans Alpha 2  0.012620 constant for calculating humidity effects on transmission
  # ATB1: Atmospheric Trans Beta 1  -0.002276 constant for calculating humidity effects on transmission
  # ATB2: Atmospheric Trans Beta 2  -0.006670 constant for calculating humidity effects on transmission
  # ATX:  Atmospheric Trans X        1.900000 constant for calculating humidity effects on transmission
  # Equations to convert to temperature
  # See,4898.60.html
  # Standard equation: temperature<-PB/log(PR1/(PR2*(raw+PO))+PF)-273.15
  # Other source of information: Minkina and Dudzik's Infrared Thermography: Errors and Uncertainties
  refl.wind<-0 # anti-reflective coating on window
  # converts relative humidity into water vapour pressure (I think in units mmHg)
  # transmission through atmosphere - equations from Minkina and Dudzik's Infrared Thermography Book
  # Note: for this script, we assume the thermal window is at the mid-point (OD/2) between the source
  # and the camera sensor
  raw.refl1<-PR1/(PR2*(exp(PB/(RTemp+273.15))-PF))-PO   # radiance reflecting off the object before the window
  raw.refl1.attn<-(1-E)/E*raw.refl1   # attn = the attenuated radiance (in raw units) 
  raw.atm1<-PR1/(PR2*(exp(PB/(ATemp+273.15))-PF))-PO # radiance from the atmosphere (before the window)
  raw.atm1.attn<-(1-tau1)/E/tau1*raw.atm1 # attn = the attenuated radiance (in raw units) 
gtatters/Thermimage documentation built on Sept. 28, 2021, 2:02 p.m.