findHotspots: Find hotspots in a NucDyn object.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s)


Find hotspots from a given nucleosome dynamics.


findHotspots(dyn, wins = 10000, indel.threshold = NULL,
  shift.threshold = NULL, mc.cores = 1)

## S4 method for signature 'NucDyn'
findHotspots(dyn, wins = 10000, indel.threshold = NULL,
  shift.threshold = NULL, mc.cores = 1)



NucDyn object with the dynamic to analyze.


Size of the window in base-pairs where the relative scores are computed


Maximum p-value for an insertion or delition hotspot to be considered significant.


Maximum p-value for shift hotspot to be considered significant.


If parallel support, the number of cores available. This option is only used if the provided sets are from more than one chromosome.


This function is aimed to help in the analysis of the nucleosome dynamics by pointing out these regions with relevant changes in the individual position of the nucleosomes.

There are 4 types of basic hotspots, plus their combinations. Basic ones are:

As translational and coverage changes can happen anywhere, only those involving a certain number of reads are reported. This number can by adjusted by the threshold parameter. If threshold is a character vector representing a percentage value (ie, "60\%"), this will be automatically converted to the absolute value given by the corresponding percentile of the coverage in the window. If, instead, threshold is a numeric value, this value will be used as absolute threhold.

It two adjacent hotspots with shifts in opposite directions are detected but one of them is relatively small in comparison with the other, but will be reported as shifts, disregarding the value of combined. We consider two hotspots of the same magnitude if the ratio between the number of reads in one and the other is smaller than same.magnitude. This ratio is always performed by using the larger number as numerator and the smaller as denominator; therefore, same.magnitude must always be greater of equal than 1.

For example, with same.magnitude=2, we consider that 25 reads shifting downstream followed bby 17 reads shifting upstream will be of the same magnitude (25/17 == 1.47 < 2) and we will annotate it as a "DISPERSION". In another example, if we have 25 shifts downstream followed by only 5 shifts upstream (25/5 == 5 > 2), both hotspot will be annotated as "SHIFT".


A data.frame with the following columns:


Ricard Illa

gthar/NucleosomeDynamics documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:56 a.m.