Man pages for guido-s/meta
General Package for Meta-Analysis

amlodipineAmlodipine for Work Capacity functions for objects of class meta
barplot.robProduce weighted bar plot of risk of bias assessment
baujat.metaBaujat plot to explore heterogeneity in meta-analysis
blup.metaCalculate best linear unbiased predictor for 'meta' object
bubble.metaregBubble plot to display the result of a meta-regression
caffeineCaffeine for daytime drowsiness
ciCalculation of confidence intervals (based on normal...
cisaprideCisapride in Non-Ulcer Dispepsia
draperyDrapery plot
estimatesExtract results from meta-analysis object
Fleiss1993binAspirin after Myocardial Infarction
Fleiss1993contMental Health Treatment
forest.metaForest plot to display the result of a meta-analysis
forest.metabindForest plot to display the result of a meta-analysis
funnel.metaFunnel plot
gsGet default for a meta-analysis setting.
JAMAlabelsCreate study labels in JAMA layout (deprecated function)
labbeL'Abbé plot for meta-analysis with binary outcomes
labels.metaCreate study labels for forest plot
longarmTransform data from pairwise comparisons to long arm-based...
metaaddAdd pooled results from external analysis to meta-analysis
metabiasTest for funnel plot asymmetry
metabias.rm5Cochrane review: Test for funnel plot asymmetry
metabinMeta-analysis of binary outcome data
metabindCombine and summarize meta-analysis objects
metacontMeta-analysis of continuous outcome data
metacorMeta-analysis of correlations
metacrMeta-analysis of outcome data from Cochrane review
metacumCumulative meta-analysis
metagenGeneric inverse variance meta-analysis
metaincMeta-analysis of incidence rates
metainfInfluence analysis in meta-analysis using leave-one-out...
metameanMeta-analysis of single means
metamergeMerge results of two meta-analyses on the same data set
meta-objectDescription of R object of class "meta"
meta-packagemeta: Brief overview of methods and general hints
metapropMeta-analysis of single proportions
metarateMeta-analysis of single incidence rates
meta-smDescription of summary measures available in R package *meta*
meta-transfAuxiliary functions for (back) transformations
nntCalculate the number needed to treat (NNT)
Olkin1995Thrombolytic Therapy after Acute Myocardial Infarction
or2smdConversion from log odds ratio to standardised mean...
Pagliaro1992Meta-analysis on Prevention of First Bleeding in Cirrhosis
pairwiseTransform meta-analysis data from two arm-based formats into...
print.metaPrint meta-analysis results
print.rm5Cochrane review: summary of meta-analyses
print.summary.metaPrint detailed meta-analysis results
radialRadial plot
read.cdirImport data of Cochrane intervention review
read.mtvImport RevMan 4 data files (.mtv)
read.rm5Import RevMan 5 analysis data
robRisk of bias assessment
settings.metaPrint and change default settings to conduct and print or...
smd2orConversion from standardised mean difference to log odds...
smokingSmoking example
subset.longarmReturn subset of longarm object
subset.pairwiseReturn subset of pairwise object
summary.metaSummary of meta-analysis results
summary.rm5Cochrane review: detailed summary of meta-analyses
traffic_lightProduce traffic light plot of risk of bias assessment
trimfillTrim-and-fill method to adjust for bias in meta-analysis
trimfill.rm5Cochrane review: trim-and-fill method
update.metaUpdate a meta-analysis object
weights.metaCalculate absolute and percentage weights for meta-analysis
woodyplantsElevated CO_2 and total biomass of woody plants
guido-s/meta documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 7:38 a.m.