
Defines functions setDefaultImputeVal getThresholdFromOptPath makeOptPathDFFromMeasures featuresToLogical featuresToBinary logicalToFeatures binaryToFeatures compare.diff

# set default value fro y-imputation in optimization
setDefaultImputeVal = function(control, measures) {
  getDefVal = function(mm) {
    if (identical(mm$aggr, test.mean) && is.finite(mm$worst))
      ifelse(mm$minimize, 1, -1) * mm$worst
  if (is.null(control$impute.val))
    control$impute.val = vnapply(measures, getDefVal)

# get one or multiple thresholds vector from optpath rows
# if we have multiple rows we average the result
# subset to those elements, which begin with "threshold." and also remove that prefix
getThresholdFromOptPath = function(opt.path, inds) {
  ths = asMatrixCols(lapply(inds, function(i) {
    ex = getOptPathEl(opt.path, i)$extra
    ns = names(ex)
    ex = ex[stri_detect_regex(ns, "^threshold")]
    setNames(ex, stri_replace_first(names(ex), "", regex = "^threshold\\."))

##### tuning #####
makeOptPathDFFromMeasures = function(par.set, measures, ...) {
  ns = vcapply(measures, measureAggrName)
  if (anyDuplicated(ns))
    stop("Cannot create OptPath, measures do not have unique ids!")
  if (length(intersect(ns, names(par.set$pars))) > 0L ||
    length(intersect(ns, getParamIds(par.set, repeated = TRUE, with.nr = TRUE))) > 0L)
    stop("Cannot create OptPath, measures ids and dimension names of input space overlap!")
  minimize = vlapply(measures, function(m) m$minimize)
  names(minimize) = ns
  makeOptPathDF(par.set, ns, minimize, add.transformed.x = FALSE,
    include.error.message = TRUE, include.exec.time = TRUE, ...)

##### featsel #####
featuresToLogical = function(vars, all.vars) {
  if (is.list(vars)) {
    # FIXME: use asMatrixCols / asMatrixRows
    y = t(sapply(vars, function(x) all.vars %in% x))
    colnames(y) = all.vars
  } else {
    y = all.vars %in% vars
    names(y) = all.vars

featuresToBinary = function(vars, all.vars) {
  y = featuresToLogical(vars, all.vars)
  mode(y) = "integer"

logicalToFeatures = function(x, all.vars) {
  if (is.matrix(x)) {
    if (missing(all.vars))
      all.vars = colnames(x)
    lapply(seq_row(x), function(i) all.vars[x[i, ]])
  } else {
    if (missing(all.vars))
      all.vars = names(x)

binaryToFeatures = function(x, all.vars) {
  mode(x) = "logical"
  logicalToFeatures(x, all.vars)

compare.diff = function(state1, state2, control, measure, threshold) {
  ifelse(measure$minimize, 1, -1) * (state1$y[1] - state2$y[1]) > threshold
guillermozbta/s2 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:01 p.m.