In this submission, I have re-written some code, extend some functionalities, and add unit tests.

Test environments


This is a resubmission.

In this submission, I fixed the error in the "convert_data_arm" function.

Test environments

New submission

This is a new submission, since I missed the deadline.

In this submission, I have replaced "donttest" with "dontrun".

Test environments

This is a new submission

In this submission, I have corrected the Stan parameterization used in the "meta_stan" function, and updated the reference paper.

Test environments

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs or NOTEs.

This is a new submission

In this submission, I have extended the package by including functions to fit model-based meta-analysis models added two functions: create_MBMA_dat and MBMA_stan * added an example dataset for model-based meta-anylsis

Test environments

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs or NOTEs.

This is a resubmission

In this submission, I have * updated meta_stan function by adding "data" argument to make it more user-friendly.

This is a new submission, since I missed the deadline.

In this submission, I have * updated Makevars and files following Prof. Ripley comments.

This is a resubmission

In this submission, I have added a reference describing methods of the package to DESCRIPTION added more examples to Rd-files replaced \dontrun with \donttest fixed the typo in man/meta_stan.Rd

## R CMD check results There is 1 NOTE:

Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION: Friede (7:35) Guenhan (7:14) Roever (7:23)

These are author names.

Test environments

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.

There were 2 NOTEs:

GNU make is a SystemRequirements.

GNU make is added as SystemRequirements in Description of the package

gunhanb/metastan documentation built on March 18, 2023, 12:09 a.m.