Man pages for guokai8/CandiHap
Build Haplotye and Generate Figures

aov.pheno.testanova test for phenotype based on haplotype
dot-check_same_or_notcheck if REF same as hap
dot-colnames.mcolchange mcols data colnames
dot-detect_filedetect file format for import gff or gff3 file modified based...
dot-GENE_TYPEScopy from GenomicFeatures
dot-getlistget name of list
dot-unlist.nameunlist and add names
expandRangeexpand range from start and end
findoverfind overlap between target genes and hmp
GRangesInfo-classClass "GRangesInfo" This class represents the extract gene...
hapnetplot haplotype with network
importGFFread GFF file into Granges object
OverlapInfo-classClass "OverlapInfo" This class represents the extract gene...
preGrangesfilter GRanges and add flanking regions
read_dataprepare GWAS data
read.dataprepare GWAS data
read_hmpread hmp files and combine snp together
read.hmpread hmp files and combine snp together
read_phenoread hmp files and combine snp together
read.phenoread hmp files and combine snp together
read_vcfread vcf files
read.vcfread vcf files
resultsextract sequence form SeqHap object
results-SeqHap-methodextract final results from SeqHap object
SeqHap-classClass "SeqHap" This class represents the result of overlap...
seqsextract sequence form SeqHap object
seqs-SeqHap-methodextract sequence form SeqHap object
snboxplotboxplot for haplotype testing based on phenotype
snp2fastasnp data frame to vector
snp2hapextract fasta from genotype file and find haplotype
snplotplot snp with gene
snptrackplot Gene Track with SNP information
guokai8/CandiHap documentation built on Nov. 26, 2021, 9:08 a.m.