Contributing to plotly.js

Opening issues

Search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue

Bug reports must have a reproducible example and include the output of devtools::session_info() (instead of sessionInfo()).

GitHub issues are great for reporting bugs and requesting new features, but implementation questions are better suited for Stack Overflow (tagged plotly) or on (tagged plotly-js).

Development guidelines

If you'd like to contribute changes to plotly, we use the GitHub flow for proposing, submitting, reviewing, and accepting changes. If you haven't done this before, Hadley Wickham provides a nice overview of git (, as well as best practices for submitting pull requests ( We also recommend using his style guide when writing code (

If your pull request fixes a bug, or implements a new feature, it's a good idea to write a test ( to demonstrate it's working. If you'd like to closely simulate the tests that run when you submit your pull request, open R under your local plotly git repo, then do the following:

# the pull request number is arbitrary when running locally
Sys.setenv('TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST' = '1')
Sys.setenv('TRAVIS_COMMIT' = substr(system('git rev-parse HEAD', intern = T), 1, 7))
devtools::load_all(); source('tests/testthat.R', chdir = TRUE)

You can also build a ggplot2/plotly comparison table. To do so, you'll first need to clone the plotly-test-table repo.

$ git clone ../plotly-test-table

Then, from R:

Sys.setenv('PLOTLY_TABLE' = 'TRUE')
devtools::load_all(); source('tests/testthat.R', chdir = TRUE)

Code of Conduct

We want to encourage a warm, welcoming, and safe environment for contributing to this project. See the code of conduct for more information.

gvarunkumar/plotly documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:29 a.m.