
#' @author Gregoire Versmee, Laura Versmee

new.session <- function(env, key, verbose = FALSE)  {

  newsession <- httr::GET(paste0(env, "/rest/v1/securityService/startSession?key=", key))
  status <- httr::status_code(newsession)
  content <- httr::content(newsession)
  if (is.null(content$status))  content$status <- "NULL"

  if (status == 200 & content$status == "success")  {

    if (verbose)  message(paste("Succesfully started the session on", env))
  } else {

    if (status == 200 & content$status == "error")  {
      stop(paste0("Invalid key\nPlease revise your key, go to ", env, "/transmart/user"), call. = FALSE)

    if (status == 401)  {
      stop(paste0("Invalid key\nPlease revise your key, go to ", env, "/transmart/user"), call. = FALSE)

    if (status == 404)  {
      stop(paste(env, "-> Invalid environment address or server issue"), call. = FALSE)

    if (status == 500)  {
      stop(paste(env, "-> Internal server error, please contact the developpers"), call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(content$token))  {
    message("Next time, try using the token instead of the key. If you want a demo, ask the developpers.")

gversmee/picsuRe documentation built on May 24, 2019, 9:50 a.m.