cMSYphaseplot: cMSYphaseplot plots the phase plot and catch and harvest rate...

View source: R/cMSY_funs.R

cMSYphaseplotR Documentation

cMSYphaseplot plots the phase plot and catch and harvest rate plots


cMSYphaseplot extracts the necessary data to enable the production of a phase plot of estimated average biomass against estimated average harvets rate. It plots the Bmsy = 0.5B0 for the Schaefer model as well as 20 of data is identified by a larger green point and the last year by a larger red point. It also plots the expected harvest rate that should lead to MSY, called Ftarg and that, which if continued for long enough, would drive the biomass below the limit reference point, Flim. Points above the Flim line (or Ftarg depending on which management objectives are used) would be classed as over-fishing leading to a status of 'depleting' and points to the left of 0.2B0 would be over-fished or 'depleted'. In addition, the function plots the catch history and the implied harvest rates just below the phase plot to aid in its interpretation.


cMSYphaseplot(answer, fish, plotout = TRUE)



the output from the run_cMSY function


the fishery data put into run_CMSY


should a plot be produced, default=TRUE


a list of meanB, meanH, msy, Bmsy, Hmsy, and Hlim, returned invisibly


## Not run: 
  fish <- invert$fish
  glb <- invert$glb
  answer <- run_cMSY(fish,glb,n=1000,sigpR=0.025)

## End(Not run)

haddonm/datalowSA documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 6:40 p.m.