Man pages for hadjipantelis/tPACE
Functional Data Analysis and Empirical Dynamics

BwNNMinimum bandwidth based on kNN criterion.
CheckDataCheck data format
CheckOptionsCheck option format
ConvertSupportConvert support of a mu/phi/cov etc. to and from obsGrid and...
CreateBasisCreate an orthogonal basis of K functions in [0, 1], with...
CreateBWPlotFunctional Principal Component Analysis Bandwidth Diagnostics...
CreateCovPlotCreates a correlation surface plot based on the results from...
CreateDesignPlotCreate design plots for functional data. See Yao, F., Müller,...
CreateFuncBoxPlotCreate functional boxplot using 'bagplot', 'KDE' or...
CreateModeOfVarPlotFunctional Principal Component Analysis: Mode of variation...
CreateOutliersPlotFunctional Principal Component or Functional Singular Value...
CreatePathPlotCreate the fitted sample path plot based on the results from...
CreateScreePlotCreate the scree plot for the fitted eigenvalues
CreateStringingPlotCreate plots for observed and stringed high dimensional data
cumtrapzRcppCumulative Trapezoid Rule Numerical Integration
DynCorrDynamical Correlation
Dyn_testBootstrap test of Dynamic Correlation
FAMFunctional Additive Models
FCCorCalculation of functional correlation between two...
FClustFunctional clustering and identifying substructures of...
FCRegFunctional Concurrent Regression using 2D smoothing
fdapacefdapace: Functional Data Analysis and Empirical Dynamics
fitted.FPCAFitted functional data from FPCA object
fitted.FPCAderFitted functional data for derivatives from the FPCAder...
FLMFunctional Linear Models
FLMCIConfidence Intervals for Functional Linear Models.
FOptDesOptimal Designs for Functional and Longitudinal Data for...
FPCAFunctional Principal Component Analysis
FPCAderObtain the derivatives of eigenfunctions/ eigenfunctions of...
FPCquantileConditional Quantile estimation with functional covariates
FSVDFunctional Singular Value Decomposition
FVPAFunctional Variance Process Analysis for dense functional...
GetCovSurfaceCovariance Surface
GetCrCorYXCreate cross-correlation matrix from auto- and...
GetCrCorYZCreate cross-correlation matrix from auto- and...
GetCrCovYXFunctional Cross Covariance between longitudinal variable Y...
GetCrCovYZFunctional Cross Covariance between longitudinal variable Y...
GetMeanCIBootstrap pointwise confidence intervals for the mean...
GetMeanCurveMean Curve
GetNormalisedSampleNormalise sparse multivariate functional data
kCFCFunctional clustering and identifying substructures of...
Lwls1DOne dimensional local linear kernel smoother
Lwls2DTwo dimensional local linear kernel smoother.
Lwls2DDerivTwo dimensional local linear kernel smoother to target...
MakeBWtoZscore02yZ-score body-weight for age 0 to 24 months based on WHO...
MakeFPCAInputsFormat FPCA input
MakeGPFunctionalDataCreate a Dense Functional Data sample for a Gaussian process
MakeHCtoZscore02yZ-score head-circumference for age 0 to 24 months based on...
MakeLNtoZscore02yZ-score height for age 0 to 24 months based on WHO standards
MakeSparseGPCreate a sparse Functional Data sample for a Gaussian Process
medfly25Number of eggs laid daily from medflies
MultiFAMFunctional Additive Models with Multiple Predictor Processes
NormCurvToAreaNormalize a curve to a particular area, by multiplication...
plot.FPCAFunctional Principal Component Analysis Diagnostics plot
predict.FPCAPredict FPC scores and curves for a new sample given an FPCA...
print.FPCAPrint an FPCA object
print.FSVDPrint an FSVD object
print.WFDAPrint a WFDA object
SBFittingIterative Smooth Backfitting Algorithm
SelectKSelects number of functional principal components for given...
SetOptionsSet the PCA option list
SparsifySparsify densely observed functional data
str.FPCACompactly display the structure of an FPCA object
StringingStringing for High-Dimensional data
trapzRcppTrapezoid Rule Numerical Integration
TVAMIterative Smooth Backfitting Algorithm
VCAMSieve estimation: B-spline based estimation procedure for...
WFDATime-Warping in Functional Data Analysis: Pairwise curve...
WienerSimulate a standard Wiener processes (Brownian motions)
hadjipantelis/tPACE documentation built on July 4, 2024, 8:10 a.m.