
Defines functions max0 ctl_new_rowid_pillar.tbl ctl_new_rowid_pillar ctl_new_pillar.tbl ctl_new_pillar

Documented in ctl_new_pillar ctl_new_rowid_pillar

#' Customize the appearance of simple pillars in your tibble subclass
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Gain full control over the appearance of the pillars of your tibble subclass
#' in its body.
#' This method is intended for implementers of subclasses of the `"tbl"` class.
#' Users will rarely need them.
#' @details
#' `ctl_new_pillar()` is called to construct pillars for regular (one-dimensional)
#' vectors.
#' The default implementation returns an object constructed with [pillar()].
#' Extend this method to modify the pillar components returned from the default
#' implementation.
#' Override this method to completely change the appearance of the pillars.
#' Components are created with [new_pillar_component()] or [pillar_component()].
#' In order to customize printing of row IDs, a method can be supplied for the
#' `ctl_new_rowid_pillar()` generic.
#' All components must be of the same height.
#' This restriction may be levied in the future.
#' Implementations should return `NULL` if none of the data
#' fits the available width.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @param controller The object of class `"tbl"` currently printed.
#' @param x A simple (one-dimensional) vector.
#' @param width The available width, can be a vector for multiple tiers.
#' @param title The title, derived from the name of the column in the data.
#' @seealso
#' See [ctl_new_pillar_list()] for creating pillar objects for compound columns:
#' packed data frames, matrices, or arrays.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("palmerpenguins") && requireNamespace("tibble")
#' # Create pillar objects
#' ctl_new_pillar(
#'   palmerpenguins::penguins,
#'   palmerpenguins::penguins$species[1:3],
#'   width = 60
#' )
#' ctl_new_pillar(
#'   palmerpenguins::penguins,
#'   palmerpenguins::penguins$bill_length_mm[1:3],
#'   width = 60
#' )
#' @examples
#' # Customize output
#' lines <- function(char = "-") {
#'   stopifnot(nchar(char) == 1)
#'   structure(char, class = "lines")
#' }
#' format.lines <- function(x, width, ...) {
#'   paste(rep(x, width), collapse = "")
#' }
#' ctl_new_pillar.line_tbl <- function(controller, x, width, ...) {
#'   out <- NextMethod()
#'   new_pillar(list(
#'     title = out$title,
#'     type = out$type,
#'     lines = new_pillar_component(list(lines("=")), width = 1),
#'     data = out$data
#'   ))
#' }
#' ctl_new_rowid_pillar.line_tbl <- function(controller, x, width, ...) {
#'   out <- NextMethod()
#'   new_pillar(
#'     list(
#'       title = out$title,
#'       type = out$type,
#'       lines = new_pillar_component(list(lines("=")), width = 1),
#'       data = out$data
#'     ),
#'     width = as.integer(floor(log10(max(nrow(x), 1))) + 1)
#'   )
#' }
#' vctrs::new_data_frame(
#'   list(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3]),
#'   class = c("line_tbl", "tbl")
#' )
#' ctl_new_rowid_pillar.roman_tbl <- function(controller, x, width, ...) {
#'   out <- NextMethod()
#'   rowid <- utils::as.roman(seq_len(nrow(x)))
#'   width <- max(nchar(as.character(rowid)))
#'   new_pillar(
#'     list(
#'       title = out$title,
#'       type = out$type,
#'       data = pillar_component(
#'         new_pillar_shaft(list(row_ids = rowid),
#'           width = width,
#'           class = "pillar_rif_shaft"
#'         )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     width = width
#'   )
#' }
#' vctrs::new_data_frame(
#'   list(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3]),
#'   class = c("roman_tbl", "tbl")
#' )
ctl_new_pillar <- function(controller, x, width, ..., title = NULL) {
  "!!!!DEBUG ctl_new_pillar(`v(width)`, `v(title)`)"



#' @export
ctl_new_pillar.tbl <- function(controller, x, width, ..., title = NULL) {
  "!!!!DEBUG ctl_new_pillar.tbl(`v(width)`, `v(title)`)"

  pillar(x, title, if (!is.null(width)) max0(width))

#' @param type String for specifying a row ID type. Current values in use are
#' `NULL` and `"*"`.
#' @rdname ctl_new_pillar
#' @export
ctl_new_rowid_pillar <- function(controller, x, width, ..., title = NULL, type = NULL) {
  "!!!!DEBUG ctl_new_rowid_pillar(`v(width)`, `v(title)`)"


  if (length(width) == 0) {


#' @export
ctl_new_rowid_pillar.tbl <- function(controller, x, width, ..., title = NULL, type = NULL) {
  "!!!!DEBUG ctl_new_rowid_pillar.tbl(`v(width)`, `v(title)`)"

  template <- names(ctl_new_pillar(controller, vector(), width, title = title))

  if (!length(template)) {

  data <- rif_shaft(nrow(x))

  out <- map(set_names(template), function(.x) "")

  if ("type" %in% template) {
    out$type <- pillar_component(rif_type(identical(type, "*")))

  if ("data" %in% template) {
    out$data <- pillar_component(data)

  new_pillar(out, width = get_width(data))

max0 <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) > 0) {
  } else {
hadley/colformat documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 10:36 p.m.