stat: Statistical transformations.

Description Details


Statistics need to be able to work with non-dataframe objects - this is necessary for dealing with large data which might not be able to fit into memory.


It should be easy to call statistics from outside of ggplot2, so they can be tested easily and used more flexibly when ggplot2 doesn't quite do what you want. For this reason, stat transforms should generally be a thin wrapper around a function that actually does the transformation. They should have a common interface that specified in terms of a data frame like object and variables to operate on. Should have x range (and where appropriate) y range parameters.

The stat infrastructure should take care of preserving additional non-transformed aesthetics, processing over groups when not done by the stat, and extracting ranges from scales.

Statistics can assume that data has already been scaled - i.e. all data is now numeric, as discrete values have been converted to integers.

hadley/layers documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:42 a.m.