
Defines functions ceil_to_posix floor_to_posix check_round_endpoints ceiling_date .normalize_multi_week_unit floor_date round_date

Documented in ceiling_date floor_date round_date

#' Round, floor and ceiling methods for date-time objects
#' @description
#' `round_date()` takes a date-time object and time unit, and rounds it to the nearest value
#' of the specified time unit. For rounding date-times which are exactly halfway
#' between two consecutive units, the convention is to round up. Note that this
#' is in line with the behavior of R's [base::round.POSIXt()] function
#' but does not follow the convention of the base [base::round()] function
#' which "rounds to the even digit", as per IEC 60559.
#' Rounding to the nearest unit or multiple of a unit is supported. All
#' meaningful specifications in the English language are supported - secs, min,
#' mins, 2 minutes, 3 years etc.
#' Rounding to fractional seconds is also supported. Please note that rounding to
#' fractions smaller than 1 second can lead to large precision errors due to the
#' floating point representation of the POSIXct objects. See examples.
#' @details In \pkg{lubridate}, functions that round date-time objects try to
#'   preserve the class of the input object whenever possible. This is done by
#'   first rounding to an instant, and then converting to the original class as per
#'   usual R conventions.
#' @section Rounding Up Date Objects:
#' By default, rounding up `Date` objects follows 3 steps:
#' 1. Convert to an instant representing lower bound of the Date:
#'    `2000-01-01` --> `2000-01-01 00:00:00`
#' 2. Round up to the \strong{next} closest rounding unit boundary. For example,
#'    if the rounding unit is `month` then next closest boundary of `2000-01-01`
#'    is `2000-02-01 00:00:00`.
#'    The motivation for this is that the "partial" `2000-01-01` is conceptually
#'    an interval (`2000-01-01 00:00:00` -- `2000-01-02 00:00:00`) and the day
#'    hasn't started clocking yet at the exact boundary `00:00:00`. Thus, it
#'    seems wrong to round a day to its lower boundary.
#'    Behavior on the boundary can be changed by setting
#'    `change_on_boundary` to `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
#' 3. If the rounding unit is smaller than a day, return the instant from step 2
#'     (`POSIXct`), otherwise convert to and return a `Date` object.
#' @rdname round_date
#' @param x a vector of date-time objects
#' @param unit a string, `Period` object or a date-time object. When a singleton string,
#'   it specifies a time unit or a multiple of a unit to be rounded to. Valid base units
#'   are `second`, `minute`, `hour`, `day`, `week`, `month`, `bimonth`, `quarter`,
#'   `season`, `halfyear` and `year`. Arbitrary unique English abbreviations as in the
#'   [period()] constructor are allowed. Rounding to multiples of units (except weeks)
#'   is supported.
#'   When `unit` is a `Period` object, it is first converted to a string representation
#'   which might not be in the same units as the constructor. For example `weeks(1)` is
#'   converted to "7d 0H 0M 0S". Thus, always check the string representation of the
#'   period before passing to this function.
#'   When `unit` is a date-time object rounding is done to the nearest of the
#'   elements in `unit`. If range of `unit` vector does not cover the range of
#'   `x` `ceiling_date()` and `floor_date()` round to the `max(x)` and `min(x)`
#'   for elements that fall outside of `range(unit)`.
#' @param change_on_boundary if this is `NULL` (the default), instants on the
#'   boundary remain unchanged, but `Date` objects are rounded up to the next
#'   boundary. If this is `TRUE`, instants on the boundary are rounded up to the
#'   next boundary. If this is `FALSE`, nothing on the boundary is rounded up at
#'   all. This was the default for \pkg{lubridate} prior to `v1.6.0`. See
#'   section `Rounding Up Date Objects` below for more details.
#' @inheritParams DateTimeUpdate
#' @return When `unit` is a string, return a Date object if `x` is a Date and
#'   `unit` is larger or equal than "day", otherwise a POSIXct object. When
#'   `unit` is a date-time object, return a date-time object of the same class
#'   and same time zone as `unit`.
#' @keywords manip chron
#' @seealso [base::round()]
#' @examples
#' ## print fractional seconds
#' options(digits.secs = 6)
#' x <- ymd_hms("2009-08-03 12:01:59.23")
#' round_date(x, ".5s")
#' round_date(x, "sec")
#' round_date(x, "second")
#' round_date(x, "minute")
#' round_date(x, "5 mins")
#' round_date(x, "hour")
#' round_date(x, "2 hours")
#' round_date(x, "day")
#' round_date(x, "week")
#' round_date(x, "month")
#' round_date(x, "bimonth")
#' round_date(x, "quarter") == round_date(x, "3 months")
#' round_date(x, "halfyear")
#' round_date(x, "year")
#' x <- ymd_hms("2009-08-03 12:01:59.23")
#' floor_date(x, ".1s")
#' floor_date(x, "second")
#' floor_date(x, "minute")
#' floor_date(x, "hour")
#' floor_date(x, "day")
#' floor_date(x, "week")
#' floor_date(x, "month")
#' floor_date(x, "bimonth")
#' floor_date(x, "quarter")
#' floor_date(x, "season")
#' floor_date(x, "halfyear")
#' floor_date(x, "year")
#' x <- ymd_hms("2009-08-03 12:01:59.23")
#' ceiling_date(x, ".1 sec") # imprecise representation at 0.1 sec !!!
#' ceiling_date(x, "second")
#' ceiling_date(x, "minute")
#' ceiling_date(x, "5 mins")
#' ceiling_date(x, "hour")
#' ceiling_date(x, "day")
#' ceiling_date(x, "week")
#' ceiling_date(x, "month")
#' ceiling_date(x, "bimonth") == ceiling_date(x, "2 months")
#' ceiling_date(x, "quarter")
#' ceiling_date(x, "season")
#' ceiling_date(x, "halfyear")
#' ceiling_date(x, "year")
#' ## Period unit argument
#' floor_date(x, days(2))
#' floor_date(x, years(1))
#' ## As of R 3.4.2 POSIXct printing of fractional numbers is wrong
#' as.POSIXct("2009-08-03 12:01:59.3") ## -> "2009-08-03 12:01:59.2 CEST"
#' ceiling_date(x, ".1 sec") ## -> "2009-08-03 12:01:59.2 CEST"
#' ## behaviour of `change_on_boundary`
#' ## As per default behaviour `NULL`, instants on the boundary remain the
#' ## same but dates are rounded up
#' ceiling_date(ymd_hms("2000-01-01 00:00:00"), "month")
#' ceiling_date(ymd("2000-01-01"), "month")
#' ## If `TRUE`, both instants and dates on the boundary are rounded up
#' ceiling_date(ymd_hms("2000-01-01 00:00:00"), "month", change_on_boundary = TRUE)
#' ceiling_date(ymd("2000-01-01"), "month")
#' ## If `FALSE`, both instants and dates on the boundary remain the same
#' ceiling_date(ymd_hms("2000-01-01 00:00:00"), "month", change_on_boundary = FALSE)
#' ceiling_date(ymd("2000-01-01"), "month")
#' @export
round_date <- function(x, unit = "second", week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 7)) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

  if (is.POSIXt(unit) || is.Date(unit)) {

    .round <- function(below, above) {
      mid <- unclass(xx)
      below <- unclass(below)
      above <- unclass(above)
      wabove <- (above - mid) <= (mid - below)
      wabove <- !is.na(wabove) & wabove
      new <- below
      new[wabove] <- above[wabove]
      .POSIXct(new, tz = tz(x))

    xx <- as.POSIXct(as_datetime(x, tz = tz(x)))
    u <- as_datetime(unit, tz = tz(unit))
    below <- floor_to_posix(xx, u, TRUE)
    above <- ceil_to_posix(xx, u, TRUE)
    reclass_date(.round(below, above), unit)

  } else {

    unit <- as.character(unit)
    ## FIXME: remove when multi-unit week is implemented in timechange
    unit <- .normalize_multi_week_unit(unit)
    timechange::time_round(x, unit = unit, week_start = as_week_start(week_start))


#' @description
#' `floor_date()` takes a date-time object and rounds it down to the nearest
#' boundary of the specified time unit.
#' @rdname round_date
#' @export
floor_date <- function(x, unit = "seconds",
                       week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 7)) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

  if (is.POSIXct(unit) || is.Date(unit)) {
    xx <- as_datetime(x, tz = tz(x))
    new <- floor_to_posix(xx, as_datetime(unit, tz = tz(unit)))
    return(reclass_date(new, unit))

  unit <- as.character(unit)
  ## FIXME: remove when multi-unit week is implemented in timechange
  unit <- .normalize_multi_week_unit(unit)
  timechange::time_floor(x, unit = unit, week_start = as_week_start(week_start))

.normalize_multi_week_unit <- function(unit) {
  ## temp workaround not to throw an error on multi-unit weeks
  unit <- as.character(unit)
  parsed <- timechange:::parse_units(unit)
  if (timechange:::standardise_unit_name(parsed$unit) == "week" && parsed$n > 1) {
    warning("Multi-week unit is not supported. Ignoring.")
    unit <- "week"

#' @description
#' `ceiling_date()` takes a date-time object and rounds it up to the nearest
#' boundary of the specified time unit.
#' @rdname round_date
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- ymd_hms("2000-01-01 00:00:00")
#' ceiling_date(x, "month")
#' ceiling_date(x, "month", change_on_boundary = TRUE)
#' ## For Date objects first day of the month is not on the
#' ## "boundary". change_on_boundary applies to instants only.
#' x <- ymd("2000-01-01")
#' ceiling_date(x, "month")
#' ceiling_date(x, "month", change_on_boundary = TRUE)
ceiling_date <- function(x, unit = "seconds", change_on_boundary = NULL,
                         week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 7)) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

  if (is.null(change_on_boundary)) {
    change_on_boundary <- inherits(x, "Date")

  if (is.POSIXct(unit) || is.Date(unit)) {
    xx <- as_datetime(x, tz = tz(x))
    new <- ceil_to_posix(xx, as_datetime(unit, tz = tz(unit)))
    return(reclass_date(new, unit))

  unit <- as.character(unit)
  ## FIXME: remove when multi-unit week is implemented in timechange
  unit <- .normalize_multi_week_unit(unit)

  timechange::time_ceiling(x, unit = unit,
    change_on_boundary = as.logical(change_on_boundary), # FIXME: remove this protection with devel timechange
    week_start = as_week_start(week_start))

check_round_endpoints <- function(unit) {
  if (length(unit) == 0) {
    stop("Zero length `unit` argument", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.na(unit))) {
    stop("NAs in `unit` argument`", call. = FALSE)

floor_to_posix <- function(x, endpoints, tight = FALSE) {
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  endpoints <- sort(endpoints)
  ux <- unclass(x)
  min <- min(ux, na.rm = TRUE)
  breaks <- unclass(endpoints)
  emin <- breaks[[1]]
  if (min < emin) {
    beg <- .POSIXct(if (tight) emin else min, tz = tz(endpoints))
    endpoints <- c(beg, endpoints)
    breaks <- c(min, breaks)
  breaks <- c(breaks, Inf)
  bins <- .bincode(ux, breaks, right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)

ceil_to_posix <- function(x, endpoints, tight = FALSE) {
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  endpoints <- sort(endpoints)
  ux <- unclass(x)
  max <- max(ux, na.rm = TRUE)
  breaks <- unclass(endpoints)
  emax <- breaks[[length(breaks)]]
  if (emax < max) {
    end <- .POSIXct(if (tight) emax else max, tz = tz(endpoints))
    endpoints <- c(endpoints, end)
    breaks <- c(breaks, max)
  breaks <- c(-Inf, breaks)
  bins <- .bincode(ux, breaks, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE)
  out <- endpoints[bins]
hadley/lubridate documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 12:24 a.m.