rlib_trace_spec: Backtrace specification

rlib_trace_specR Documentation

Backtrace specification




An r-lib backtrace is a data frame that contains the following columns:

  • call: List of calls. These may carry srcref objects.

  • visible: Logical vector. If FALSE, the corresponding call will be hidden from simplified backtraces.

  • parent: Integer vector of parent references (see sys.parents()) as row numbers. 0 is global.

  • namespace: Character vector of namespaces. NA for global or no namespace

  • scope: Character vector of strings taking values "::", ":::", "global", or "local".

A backtrace data frame may contain extra columns. If you add additional columns, make sure to prefix their names with the name of your package or organisation to avoid potential conflicts with future extensions of this spec, e.g. "mypkg_column".


  • Length. The length of the backtrace is the number of rows of the underlying data.

  • Concatenation. Performed by row-binding two backtraces. The parent column of the RHS is shifted by nrow(LHS) so that the last call of the LHS takes place of the global frame of the RHS.

  • Subsetting. Performed by slicing the backtrace. After the data frame is sliced, the parent column is adjusted to the new row indices. Any parent value that no longer exists in the sliced backtrace is set to 0 (the global frame).

hadley/rlang documentation built on Jan. 27, 2025, 1:19 a.m.