NOTICE 28 November 2013

Roxygen development activity has shifted to roxygen2.


Roxygen3 is a ground-up rewrite of roxygen2 aiming for a design that is simpler, more modular and easier to understand so that bugs can be fixed more rapidly and others can extend roxygen to meet their specific needs.

It is likely that roxygen3 will never be released on CRAN, but instead will be merged into roxygen2.

To try it out:

  # install.packages("devtools")
  install_github("devtools") # you need the latest version


New features

Developers guide

One of the main motivations for this rewrite of roxygen is to make it much easier to extend (and make it easier to fix bugs!). It has been rewritten to use S4, along with a much stronger object system that should make it easier to understand what's going on. The following section gives an overview of the important classes and generics. More detail will eventually be available in the class and generic documentation.

The best way to learn is by example - so make sure you have a source version of roxygen3 installed

Naming conventions:

Class overview


To implement a new tag for roxygen, you need to subclass Tag and implement the appropriate methods. For a simple tag, all you need to do is implement the value<- accessor and at least one output method. For more complex tags, you'll also need to implement the process method, and maybe the defaultTag method. These are described in more detail below:


writeRd, writeNamespace, and writeDescription return objects that will be used to modify Rd files, the NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION respectively.

hadley/roxygen3 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:16 p.m.