Man pages for hadley/roxygen3
In-source documentation for R

add_s3_metadataAdd S3 metadata to a function
AliasesTag-class@aliases: additional topic aliases.
AuthorTag-class@author: the author of the documentation
auto_dynlibAutomatically determine the dynamic imports that a function...
auto_imports[DEV] Scans a function and determines what functions it uses...
AutoImportsTag-class@autoImport: automatically add import statements.
Behaviour[DEV] An object representing processing behaviour.
Block[DEV] Block class.
Bundle[DEV] An object representing a bundle of blocks in multiple...
ClassHierarchyTag-class@classHierarchy: describe class hierarchy for an S4 object.
ClassMethodsTag-class@classMethods: automatically list all methods of an S4 class.
CommentTag-class@comment: add comments to the Rd file.
ConceptTag-class@concept: add a "concept" index entry.
DebugTag-class@debug: show the input paths as an Rd comment.
default_behaviour[DEV] Encapuslate default behaviour.
DefaultExportTag-class@defaultExports: stores information used by @exports
defaultTag[DEV] Generate default tag.
DescriptionTag-class@description:: describe the function in one or two...
DetailsTag-class@details: provide (lots of) extra detail about the function
DevTag-class@dev: flag a function as for developers only.
DirectoryBundle[DEV] A bundle of files in a directory.
DocTypeTag-class@docType: set the documentation type of the object.
EncodingTag-class@encoding: specify non-standard encoding for Rd file
examples@example/@examples: provide examples.
FamilyTag-class@family: associate the function with a family to...
find_tagsFind all currently defined tags.
FormatTag-class@format: describe format of data.
GenericMethodsTag-class@genericMethods: automatically list all methods of a generic
IncludeTag-class@include: describe files that should be sourced before this...
InheritParamsTag-class@inheritParams: Inherit parameters from another function.
IntroTag-classTitle, description and details.
KeywordsTag-class@keywords: provide high-level keywords.
NameTag-class@name: Override the default topic name.
NoRdTag-classDo not produce rd file for this object.
NoteTag-class@note: Add a note section.
Object[DEV] The object being documented.
object_from_call[DEV] Given a call that modifies the R environment, find the...
PackageBundle[DEV] A bundle of files in a package.
ParamTag-class@param: describe input parameters
parse_blockParse and execute a block of text in a package like...
parse_directoryParse directory of source files.
parse_fileParse a source file containing roxygen blocks.
process[DEV] Process bundles and blocks.
RdCommand[DEV] Translate a command and expressions into an Rd...
RdnameTag-class@rdname: manually set the generated file name.
ReferencesTag-class' @references: add references to the literature.
ReturnTag-class@return: describe the output of the function
roxygeniseRoxygenise a package.
rPathCompute path to a bundle.
s3[DEV] Determine if a function is an S3 generic or S3 method.
S3methodTag-classExport S3 methods.
SectionTag-class@section: Add a new named section.
SeealsoTag-class@seealso: other places to look for documentation.
slots@slot: document the slots of a S4 class.
SourceTag-class@source: the source of a dataset
Tag[DEV] Tag class
tag-exportNamespace: tags for exporting objects
tag-importNamespace: tags for importing functions.
tag-modify[DEV] Convenience methods for manipulating tags in a block.
TagUsageTag-class@usageTag: describe how to use roxygen tags
TemplateTagInclude documentation templates.
TextUsage-classGiven an object, return a string showing how that object...
TitleTag-class@title: Override default topic title.
UsageTag-class@usage: describe the usage of a function.
UseDynLibTag-class@useDynLib: import routines from a shared library.
writeDescription[DEV] An output generator for the 'DESCRIPTION' file.
writeNamespace[DEV] An output generator for the 'NAMESPACE' file.
writeRd[DEV] Output to Rd files in the man directory.
hadley/roxygen3 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:16 p.m.