
Defines functions as_continuous_pal.pal_discrete as_continuous_pal.function as_continuous_pal.default as_continuous_pal as_discrete_pal.pal_continuous as_discrete_pal.function as_discrete_pal.default as_discrete_pal palette_type palette_na_safe palette_nlevels is_numeric_pal is_colour_pal is_discrete_pal is_continuous_pal is_pal new_discrete_palette new_continuous_palette

Documented in as_continuous_pal as_discrete_pal is_colour_pal is_continuous_pal is_discrete_pal is_numeric_pal is_pal new_continuous_palette new_discrete_palette palette_na_safe palette_nlevels palette_type

# Constructors ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Constructors for palettes
#' These constructor functions attach metadata to palette functions. This
#' metadata can be used in testing or coercion.
#' @param fun A function to serve as a palette. For continuous palettes, these
#'   typically take vectors of numeric values between (0, 1) and return a
#'   vector of equal length. For discrete palettes, these typically take a
#'   scalar integer and return a vector of that length.
#' @param type A string giving the type of return values. Some example strings
#'   include `"colour"`, `"numeric"`, `"linetype"` or `"shape"`.
#' @param na_safe A boolean indicating whether `NA` values are translated to
#'   palette values (`TRUE`) or are kept as `NA` (`FALSE`). Applies to
#'   continuous palettes.
#' @param nlevels An integer giving the number of distinct palette values
#'   that can be returned by the discrete palette.
#' @param x An object to test or coerce.
#' @param pal A palette to retrieve properties from.
#' @param ... Additional arguments. Currently not in use.
#' @return
#' For `new_continuous_palette()`, `new_discret_palette()`, `as_discrete_pal()`
#' and `as_continuous_pal()`: a function of class `pal_continuous` or `pal_discrete`.
#' For `is_pal()`, `is_continuous_pal()`, `is_discret_pal()`, `is_colour_pal()`,
#' or `is_numeric_pal()`: a logical value of length 1.
#' For `palette_nlevels()` a single integer. For `palette_na_safe()` a boolean.
#' For `palette_type()` a string.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Creating a new discrete palette
#' new_discrete_palette(
#'   fun = grDevices::terrain.colors,
#'   type = "colour", nlevels = 255
#' )
#' # Creating a new continuous palette
#' new_continuous_palette(
#'   fun = function(x) rescale(x, to = c(1, 0)),
#'   type = "numeric", na_safe = FALSE
#' )
#' # Testing palette properties
#' is_continuous_pal(pal_seq_gradient())
#' is_discrete_pal(pal_viridis())
#' is_numeric_pal(pal_area())
#' is_colour_pal(pal_manual(c("red", "green")))
#' is_pal(transform_log10())
#' # Extracting properties
#' palette_nlevels(pal_viridis())
#' palette_na_safe(colour_ramp(c("red", "green"), na.color = "grey50"))
#' palette_type(pal_shape())
#' # Switching discrete to continuous
#' pal <- as_continuous_pal(pal_viridis())
#' show_col(pal(c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1)))
#' # Switching continuous to discrete
#' pal <- as_discrete_pal(pal_div_gradient())
#' show_col(pal(9))
new_continuous_palette <- function(fun, type, na_safe = NA) {
  if (!is.function(fun)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg fun} must be a function.")
  class(fun) <- union("pal_continuous", class(fun))
  attr(fun, "type") <- type
  attr(fun, "na_safe") <- na_safe

#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
new_discrete_palette <- function(fun, type, nlevels = NA) {
  if (!is.function(fun)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg fun} must be a function.")
  class(fun) <- union("pal_discrete", class(fun))
  attr(fun, "type") <- type
  attr(fun, "nlevels") <- nlevels

# Testing -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
is_pal <- function(x) inherits(x, c("pal_discrete", "pal_continuous"))

#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
is_continuous_pal <- function(x) inherits(x, "pal_continuous")

#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
is_discrete_pal <- function(x) inherits(x, "pal_discrete")

#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
is_colour_pal <- function(x) {
  is_pal(x) && any(palette_type(x) %in% c("color", "colour"))

#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
is_numeric_pal <- function(x) {
  is_pal(x) && any(palette_type(x) %in% c("numeric", "double", "integer"))

# Getters -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
palette_nlevels <- function(pal) {
  as.integer(attr(pal, "nlevels")[1] %||% NA_integer_)
#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
palette_na_safe <- function(pal) {
  as.logical(attr(pal, "na_safe")[1] %||% FALSE)
#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
palette_type <- function(pal) {
  as.character(attr(pal, "type")[1] %||% NA_character_)

# Coercion ----------------------------------------------------------------

## As discrete palette ----------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
as_discrete_pal <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as_discrete_pal.default <- function(x, ...) {
  cli::cli_abort("Cannot convert {.arg x} to a discrete palette.")

#' @export
as_discrete_pal.function <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as_discrete_pal.pal_continuous <- function(x, ...) {
    function(n) x(seq(0, 1, length.out = n)),
    type = palette_type(x), nlevels = 255

## As continuous palette --------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname new_continuous_palette
#' @export
as_continuous_pal <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as_continuous_pal.default <- function(x, ...) {
  cli::cli_abort("Cannot convert {.arg x} to a continuous palette.")

#' @export
as_continuous_pal.function <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as_continuous_pal.pal_discrete <- function(x, ...) {
  nlevels <- palette_nlevels(x)
  if (!is_scalar_integerish(nlevels, finite = TRUE)) {
      "Cannot convert {.arg x} to continuous palette.",
      i = "Unknown number of supported levels."
  type <- palette_type(x)
    color = , colour = colour_ramp(x(nlevels)),
    numeric = new_continuous_palette(
      stats::approxfun(seq(0, 1, length.out = nlevels), x(nlevels)),
      type = "numeric", na_safe = FALSE
      "Don't know how to convert a discrete {.field {type}} palette to \\
      a continuous palette."
hadley/scales documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 4:29 a.m.