Man pages for haizi-zh/bioessentials
Home-made essential tools for bioinformatics project

dot-available_colnameFind a new column name which does not conflict with existing...
dot-filter_by_chromFilter the dataset by chromosomes
dot-filter_by_grangesFilter the dataset by genomic ranges
dot-filter_by_regionsFilter the dataset by regions
grow_bedGrow intervals
intersect_bedApply 'intersect' operation between two tables
is_gzipCheck if a file name is a gzip file
is_gzip_fileCheck if a file name is a gzip file
is_remote_urlCheck whether a url is remote or local
load_bedLoad fragment data files or BED data files
load_genbedLoad a data file in GENBED format
load_genbed_tabixLoad GENBED using tabix
merge_bedMerge overlapping intervals
normalize_tabix_rangeMake sure all ranges are valid
overlapping_intervalsFor each interval pair, get the overlapping start and end
post_process_tableSet 'dt"s column names, types, and set the index
read_tabix_tableLoad a gzipped and indexed BED-like file
read_tableLoad a BED-format file
write_bedWrite data frame to disk in BED format
write_tableWrite a 'data.table' to file
haizi-zh/bioessentials documentation built on April 10, 2021, 2:34 p.m.