
context("Testing mapping function")



test_that("inputs to map are as expected", {
  x <- myOccCiteObject@occResults[[1]]
  sp.name <- names(myOccCiteObject@occResults)[[1]]
  tabResults <- occCite:::tabulate.occResults(x = x, sp.name = sp.name)

  expect_true(class(myOccCiteObject) == "occCiteData")
  expect_true(names(myOccCiteObject@occResults) > 0)

  expect_true(all(c("longitude", "latitude")
  %in% names(occCite:::tabulate.occResults(x, sp.name))))

test_that("default occCiteMap settings work", {

  test <- occCiteMap(myOccCiteObject)
  expect_true(all(c("leaflet", "htmlwidget") %in% class(test)))

test_that("occCiteMap works with species specified", {
  expect_error(occCiteMap(myOccCiteObject, "Protea cynaroides",
                          species_colors = "red", "blue"))

  test <- occCiteMap(myOccCiteObject, "Protea cynaroides")
  expect_true(all(c("leaflet", "htmlwidget") %in% class(test)))

test_that("occCiteMap works with non-awesome markers color specified", {
  test <- occCiteMap(myOccCiteObject,
    "Protea cynaroides",
    species_colors = "brown",
    awesomeMarkers = F
  expect_true(all(c("leaflet", "htmlwidget") %in% class(test)))

test_that("occCiteMap works with awesome markers color specified", {
  test <- occCiteMap(myOccCiteObject,
    "Protea cynaroides",
    species_colors = "lightred",
    awesomeMarkers = T
  expect_true(all(c("leaflet", "htmlwidget") %in% class(test)))

test_that("occCiteMap works with map_limit specified", {
  test <- occCiteMap(myOccCiteObject,
    "Protea cynaroides",
    species_colors = "lightred",
    awesomeMarkers = T,
    map_limit = 10
  expect_true(all(c("leaflet", "htmlwidget") %in% class(test)))

test_that("occCiteMap works with cluster set to true", {
  test <- occCiteMap(myOccCiteObject,
    "Protea cynaroides",
    species_colors = "lightred",
    awesomeMarkers = T,
    cluster = T
  expect_true(all(c("leaflet", "htmlwidget") %in% class(test)))
hannahlowens/occCite documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:18 a.m.