
#' Peak values
#' Algorithm to find peak values 
#' @param series the values to find peaks in
#' @param span a span parameter
#' @param do.pad = TRUE
#' @return a logical vector idicating if the point is a peak value or not 
#' @author R community  ??? 
#' @references https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-November/083376.html
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(7)
#' y <- rpois(100, lambda = 7)
#' py <- peaks(y)
#' plot(y, type="o", cex = 1/4, main = "y and peaks(y,3)")
#' points(seq(y)[py], y[py], col = 2, cex = 1.5)
#' p7 <- peaks(y,7)
#' points(seq(y)[p7], y[p7], col = 3, cex = 2)
#' mtext("peaks(y,7)", col=3)
#' set.seed(2)
#' x <- round(rnorm(500), 2)
#' y <- cumsum(x)
#' plot(y, type="o", cex = 1/4)
#' p15 <- peaks(y,15)
#' points(seq(y)[p15], y[p15], col = 3, cex = 2)
#' mtext("peaks(y,15)", col=3)

peaks <- function(series, span = 3, do.pad = TRUE) {
	if((span <- as.integer(span)) %% 2 != 1) stop("'span' must be odd")
	s1 <- 1:1 + (s <- span %/% 2)
	if(span == 1) return(rep.int(TRUE, length(series)))
	z <- embed(series, span)
	v <- apply(z[,s1] > z[, -s1, drop=FALSE], 1, all)
	if(do.pad) {
		pad <- rep.int(FALSE, s)
		c(pad, v, pad)
	} else v

peaksign <- function(series, span = 3, do.pad = TRUE)
	## Purpose: return (-1 / 0 / 1) if series[i] is ( trough / "normal" / peak )
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 25 Nov 2005
	if((span <- as.integer(span)) %% 2 != 1 || span == 1)
		stop("'span' must be odd and >= 3")
	s1 <- 1:1 + (s <- span %/% 2)
	z <- embed(series, span)
	d <- z[,s1] - z[, -s1, drop=FALSE]
	ans <- rep.int(0:0, nrow(d))
	ans[apply(d > 0, 1, all)] <- as.integer(1)
	ans[apply(d < 0, 1, all)] <- as.integer(-1)
	if(do.pad) {
		pad <- rep.int(0:0, s)
		c(pad, ans, pad)
	} else ans
hansoleorka/myR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:29 p.m.