Man pages for haowulab/DSS
Dispersion shrinkage for sequencing data

callDMLFunction to detect differntially methylated loci (DML) from...
callDMRFunction to detect differntially methylated regions (DMR)...
designExperimental design for the example RRBS dataset
dispersionAcessor functions for the 'dispersion' slot in a SeqCountData...
DMLfit.multiFactorFit a linear model for BS-seq data from general experimental...
DMLtestFunction to perform statistical test of differntially...
DMLtest.multiFactorPerform statistical test for BS-seq data from general...
DSS.DEPerform RNA-seq differential expression analysis in two-group...
DSS-packageDispersion shrinkage for sequencing data
estDispersionEstimate and shrink tag-specific dipsersions
estNormFactorsEstimate normalization factors
makeBSseqDataCreate an object of BSseq class from several data frames.
normalizationFactorAccessor functions for the 'normalizationFactor' slot in a...
RRBSAn example dataset for multiple factor design
SeqCountSet-classClass '"SeqCountSet"' - container for count data from...
seqDataA simulated 'SeqCountData' object.
showOneDMRVisualze the count data for one DMR
waldTestPerform gene-wise Wald test for two group comparisons for...
haowulab/DSS documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 6:59 p.m.