
Defines functions qc

Documented in qc

#' A quality control function
#' This function will allow you to see the boxplots of raw and normal data as well as 
#' a cluster analysis of the normalized data.
#' @param rawData The raw data. normData The normalized data. 
#' @keywords hugene, microarrays
#' @export
#' @examples
#' qc()

qc <- function(rawData, normData){
#checking boxplot of raw data
boxplot(rawData, target = "core", las=3)
#checking boxplot of normalized data
boxplot(normData, target = "core",las=3)
#hierarchical clustering
eset <- exprs(normData)
distance <- dist(t(eset),method="maximum")
clusters <- hclust(distance)


#making negative images
#Pset = fitProbeLevelModel(rawData)

#for (i in 1:69){image(Pset,which=i,main=ph@data$sample[i])}
hawkdidy/hugenedeg documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:06 p.m.