Man pages for hbelbo/stanfordclassicr
Parsing Stanford Classic Machine Reports to R tables

expand_stcvsExpand stanford classic variable strings
file2strngRead the content of a stanford classic text file and return...
pipePipe operator
read_drf_fileRead StanForD Classic drf-files (machine reports from forest...
read_ktr_fileRead StanForD Classic ktr-files (mahcine reports from forest...
read_prd_fileRead StanForD Classic prd-files (machine reports from forest...
read_pri_fileRead StanForD Classic PRI-files (mahcine reports from forest...
read_stm_fileRead StanForD Classic .stm-files (mahcine reports from forest...
sfclassic2dfSplit stanford classic text string to dataframe
sfclassic2df_v2Split stanford classic text string to a tibble
sfvardefsStanForD classic variable definitions
stanfordclassicrReading forest machine files using stanford classic standard
hbelbo/stanfordclassicr documentation built on Dec. 23, 2024, 2:45 p.m.