boxplot.james: Solution quality and convergence time box plots

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


Produce box-and-whisker plots for the searches that have been applied to the given problem, visualizing the distribution of the best found solution's value (solution quality) or time until convergence in subsequent search runs.


## S3 method for class 'james'
boxplot(x, problem, type = c("quality", "time"), r = 0.99,
  time.unit = c("milliseconds", "seconds", "minutes", "hours"), title,
  subtitle, ylab, names, ...)



data object containing the analysis results


name of the problem for which the plot is made. Can be omitted if the data x contains results for a single problem only.


one of "quality" (default) or "time". If set to "quality", the final solution's value is reported; if set to "time", the time until convergence is reported. In both cases, the respective distribution of values found during the different search runs is visualized. In the latter case, the argument r is used to decide when a search run has converged.


convergence ratio, only used if type is "time". Defaults to 0.99. Should be a numeric value in [0,1]. This parameter is passed to getConvergenceTimes.


one of "milliseconds" (default), "seconds", "minutes" or "hours". Only used if type is "time". Determines the time unit of the convergence times on the y-axis.


plot title. Defaults to "Solution quality" or "Convergence time" when type is set to "quality" or "time", respectively.


plot subtitle. By default, a subtitle is added that states the name of the problem for which the plot is made. If type is "time" the subtitle also mentions the applied convergence ratio r. If no subtitle is desired set subtitle = "".


y-axis label. Defaults to "Value" or "Time" (with the time unit indicated between brackets) when type is set to "quality" or "time", respectively.


names to be shown on the x-axis under the box plots. Defaults to the search names obtained from calling getSearches for the given data x and problem.


any additional parameters are passed to boxplot.


If the data x contains results for a single problem only, the argument problem can be omitted. If desired to produce box plots for a selection of the applied searches, use reduceJAMES to extract the respective data.

Convergence times are computed with getConvergenceTimes.

The plots are made using the generic boxplot method called on a list of vectors containing the distribution samples for each search.

Any additional parameters are passed to boxplot.


Box plot summary data: list with components as defined in the documentation of boxplot.

See Also

getConvergenceTimes, boxplot

hdbeukel/james-analysis-R documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:18 p.m.