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# Plot annual mass of chloride in the Madison lakes
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# Load libraries
# load NTL datasets
LTERtemp = loadLTERtemp() # download NTL LTER data from EDI
LTERions = loadLTERions() # download NTL LTER data from EDI
################################# MENDOTA CHLORIDE #############################################
varname = 'cl'
datasetname = LTERions
thresholdname = 5
lakename = 'ME'
## Interpolate weekly data for Lake Mendota
df.Cl.ME = weeklyInterpolate(lakeAbr = lakename, var = varname, dataset = datasetname, maxdepth = 24,
constrainMethod = 'zero', setThreshold = thresholdname, printFigs = F)
plotTimeseries.year(df.interpolated = df.Cl.ME$weeklyInterpolated, var = 'totpuf_sloh', chooseYear = 2018) +
labs(title = 'set your own title') +
# calculate annual mass
df.Cl.ME.mass = calcMass(df.Cl.ME$weeklyInterpolated,lakeAbr = lakename, time.res = 'annual', conversion = 1e6)
# Calculate change in mass annually
df.Cl.ME.mass |> mutate(diff = mass - lag(mass)) |> print(n = 23)
df.Cl.ME.mass |> mutate(diff = mass - lag(mass)) |> summarise(mean(diff, na.rm = T))
usefont = 'Proxima Nova'
# Plot annual mass
ggplot(df.Cl.ME.mass, aes(x = year, y = mass)) +
geom_path() +
geom_point(shape = 21, fill = 'lightblue3', stroke = 0.3, size = 2.5) +
annotate('text', label = 'Mean annual \nincrease 1996-2018\n454 tonnes',
x = 2011, y = 23052.5, hjust = 0, vjust = 1, size = 2.5, family = usefont, color= '#F14000') +
ylab('Chloride (tonnes)') +
labs(title = 'Lake Mendota chloride mass',
caption = 'Calculated from NTLlakeloads [https://github.com/hdugan/NTLlakeloads]') +
theme_minimal(base_size = 10) +
theme(text=element_text(family = usefont),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = 'white'),
plot.caption = element_text(size = 6, color = 'lightblue4')) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(color= '#F14000', vjust=1, family = usefont))
ggsave('ClMass_Mendota.png', width = 5, height = 3, dpi = 500)
# Molar mass NaCl
nacl = 58.44 #g/mol
# Molar Mass chloride
cl = 35.453 #g/mol
1.10231 * 454 / (cl/nacl) # conversion from tonnes of chloride to tons of NaCl
################################# MONONA CHLORIDE #############################################
lakename = 'MO'
## Interpolate weekly data for Lake Monona
df.Cl.MO = weeklyInterpolate(lakeAbr = lakename, var = varname, dataset = datasetname, maxdepth = 20,
constrainMethod = 'zero', setThreshold = thresholdname, printFigs = F)
# calculate annual mass
df.Cl.MO.mass = calcMass(df.Cl.MO$weeklyInterpolated,lakeAbr = lakename, time.res = 'annual', conversion = 1e6)
# Calculate change in mass annually
df.Cl.MO.mass |> mutate(diff = mass - lag(mass)) |> print(n = 23)
df.Cl.MO.mass |> mutate(diff = mass - lag(mass)) |> summarise(mean(diff, na.rm = T))
usefont = 'Proxima Nova'
# Plot annual mass
ggplot(df.Cl.MO.mass, aes(x = year, y = mass)) +
geom_path() +
geom_point(shape = 21, fill = 'lightblue3', stroke = 0.3, size = 2.5) +
annotate('text', label = 'Mean annual \nincrease 1996-2018\n115 tonnes',
x = 2011, y = 6000, hjust = 0, vjust = 1, size = 2.5, family = usefont, color= '#F14000') +
ylab('Chloride (tonnes)') +
labs(title = 'Lake Monona chloride mass',
caption = 'Calculated from NTLlakeloads [https://github.com/hdugan/NTLlakeloads]') +
theme_minimal(base_size = 10) +
theme(text=element_text(family = usefont),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = 'white'),
plot.caption = element_text(size = 6, color = 'lightblue4')) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(color= '#F14000', vjust=1, family = usefont))
ggsave('ClMass_Monona.png', width = 5, height = 3, dpi = 500)
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