Man pages for heavywatal/rwtl
Personal R package

biocInstall or update Bioconductor, CRAN, and GitHub packages
chrConversion between character and integer code point
columnHandle columns with data.frame and matrix
commandParse command line arguments
dataframeUtilities for data.frame
diversityDiversity index
driveRead spreadsheet from cloud drives
execShortcut to use knitr and rmarkdown from commandline
figprocessFunctions for knitr fig.process
fsFunctions related to file systems
fstatsFst estimators
ggannotateVariations of 'ggplot2::annotate()'
ggmiscMisc functions with ggplot2
ggridges-helperHelper functions to enhance ggridges package
ggthemeShortcut for ggplot theme
graphicsUtilities for graphics
gridWrappers of grid functions
itertoolsShortcut for 'tidyr::crossing()' with repeats.
knitr-stanRegister knitr engine for stan code
knitr-timeRegister knitr hook to time chunks
listUtilities for lists
logoDraw and save the logo
mathShortcut to mathematical functions
matrixUtilities for matrix
momentMoment for arbitrary order
msFunctions to run ms and parse ms-like output
packagePackage management utilities
package-devPackage development utilities
parallelParallel execution in the purrr::map style
phyloUtilities for phylo class of ape package
pipePipe text to system commands
printUtilities for printing
randomGenerate random integers between 'min' and 'max'.
readFunctions to read files
stringString utility
styleApply tidyverse_style, but use equal sign = for assignment
symlinkUtility functions to handle symlinks
tibbledTibbled version of base R functions
timeSnippet for time in R
tomlSimple converter from list to TOML.
utilsUtility functions
vectorUtilities for vector
writeWrite R objects to files
wtl-packagewtl: Personal R package
heavywatal/rwtl documentation built on April 2, 2024, 6:08 p.m.